Another Epic English Test

This advanced English quiz will challenge your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. Each question is designed to test your grasp of the intricacies of the English language, from tricky verb tenses and idioms to complex word meanings and usage. Whether you're a seasoned language enthusiast or looking to sharpen your skills, these 15 questions will push your limits and make you think twice. Let’s see how well you fare against some of the more obscure and demanding aspects of English!
What is the antonym of the word “verbose”?
Select the sentence with the correct use of a semicolon.
I have a big meeting tomorrow; so I should get some rest.
The meeting was canceled; because the boss was sick.
We visited Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; and Madrid, Spain.
I forgot to bring my notebook; because I was in a rush.
Which sentence contains no grammatical errors?
He layed down after the meeting and fell asleep instantly.
The novel, which was long and tedious, is, however, a classic.
I had ran to the store before the rain started.
Neither the manager nor the employees were aware of the mistake.
Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentence: "The CEO’s ________ decision alienated many employees, leading to widespread dissatisfaction."
Identify the sentence that uses the correct pronoun case.
Between you and I, the presentation was a disaster.
Whomever wins the award will be recognized at the gala.
This secret is between her and me.
Him and I are planning to go on vacation next month.
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
After reviewing the report; the board made its decision.
The doctor’s advice was sound: "get more sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly."
I went to the store, however; they were already closed.
We needed supplies; paper, pens, and notebooks.
Select the correct spelling of the word:
Which of the following sentences uses correct parallel structure?
She enjoys reading, to write, and dancing.
They were asked to submit a resume, a cover letter, and references.
The professor encouraged the students to study diligently and that they should not procrastinate.
He was neither interested in politics or economics.
What is the best synonym for “antediluvian”?
Which sentence uses “whom” correctly?
Whom did you say was responsible for the project?
She is the person whom I believe will lead the team.
The candidate whom the board selected was very qualified.
To whom did you send the letter to?
What is the meaning of the word “recalcitrant”?
Reluctantly obedient
Stubbornly resistant to authority
Confused or disorganized
Identify the error in this sentence: "Each of the participants were given a survey to complete."
"Each" should be "All"
"Were" should be "was"
"Participants" should be "participant"
There's no error
Select the correct past participle of the verb “to shrink.”
Choose the sentence that demonstrates proper use of an em dash (a long dash)
I have three important tasks to complete today— the client, finish the report, and attend the meeting.
She was furious at him—he left without even saying goodbye, even though she waited for hours.
The speaker paused—for effect - and then delivered the punchline.
The team's success was due to hard work and—of course - good timing.
Try Again...
Your score shows that English can be tricky even for the best of us! You’ve got a good foundation, but some of the nuances of grammar and vocabulary might have tripped you up this time. Don’t let it discourage you, though—practice makes perfect. Go over the questions again, and you’ll see how even the trickiest ones will start to make sense. With a bit more study, you’ll improve in no time. Give it another shot, and you’ll master it!
English Savant
Great job! You clearly have a strong command of English, with a solid understanding of complex grammar rules and vocabulary. You navigated most of the tricky questions with ease, demonstrating your skills as an advanced English user. While there may still be a few areas for improvement, your overall performance is impressive. With just a bit more attention to the finer details, you’ll be able to achieve the next level. Keep up the good work—you're almost a master!
English Genius!
Outstanding! Your score shows that you’re truly an English genius. You effortlessly navigated complex grammar, challenging vocabulary, and the nuances of word usage. Your deep understanding of the language’s subtleties sets you apart, and it’s clear you have an exceptional command of English. There’s little that could trip you up when it comes to this language! Keep honing your skills, as you’ve already achieved an elite level. You’re among the best—an English expert of the highest caliber.
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