Can You Complete the English Proverb?

If you're like me, you love old sayings and proverbs that are full of wisdom and clever wordplay. In this quiz, we'd like to challenge you to finish these 17 old English proverbs. Can you do it?
1 of 16
like a rich fool.
like an old fool.
like a wise man.
like a young fool.
2 of 16
that came out of a broken fiddle.
played on an old guitar.
played on an old fiddle.
produced by a broken voice.
3 of 16
what separates prince and pauper.
the meaning of life.
the spice of life.
the most important thing in life.
4 of 16
is meat without salt.
makes for happy fools.
is fire without light.
makes for a poor student.
5 of 16
from an ugly pig.
without making an ugly effort.
without gold.
from a sow's ear.
6 of 16
from the chaff.
from the grain.
from the dirt.
from the water.
7 of 16
runs the most sweet.
zigs and zags.
makes for the prettiest tales.
never did run smooth.
8 of 16
and bark yourself?
and not befriend it?
and not feed it?
and not let it bark?
9 of 16
a baby.
a fool.
a lover.
a gift.
10 of 16
before fear.
and goes, but strength remains.
before the fall.
and goes, but life remains.
11 of 16
to catch a thief.
and lose your honor.
but don't trust him.
to lose your fingers.
12 of 16
no color.
no pockets.
always been and always will be.
no style.
13 of 16
we learn from both.
we are taught a lesson.
we learn nothing.
we are merely the lesson.
14 of 16
the iron is hot.
the moon shines.
the enemy awakes.
the cock crows.
15 of 16
is something on which you can rely.
is in ample supply.
is not worth a fly.
is not worth a cry.
16 of 16
but on its buttered side.
but from shaky hands.
but from lazy hands.
but is lost.
Try Again?
We're afraid you did not pass this proverb quiz. Granted, most of these sayings aren't uttered that much anymore, but... READ MORE
Good Score!
You have a good knowledge of proverbs and English sayings. You probably read quite a bit and enjoy the language, so you... READ MORE
Terrific Score!
You positively know your English proverbs! You must have a great memory as well as a keen interest in reading and the... READ MORE
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