Complete the sentence: ______ is a primary color but _______ is not.
Many flags have blue on them. Which of these countries has a flag that does NOT contain blue?
Which of these words beginning with "C" is the name of a color that's a shade of blue?
Blue with no green looks like dark blue. Blue with a hint of green looks like a lighter blue. Cyan, with an equal amount of blue and green, looks like an even lighter blue. What is the main reason why adding green seems to make blue lighter?
That is why night-vision goggles use green, because the human eye is sensitive to it
The eye is more sensitive to green light than blue light
Green acts as if it was white when it is added to blue
Two colors are lighter than one color
Green has a longer wavelength than blue
Cyan is a color between blue and green, although it is often considered a type of blue. It can be created with an equal amount of blue and green light. Cyan can also be found as a color of printer ink. Before cyan was a color, what did "cyan" refer to?
A brand of chocolate with a blue/green candy coating
Nothing; it is just a color
Another way to refer to cyanide
The surname of the person who coined "cyan" as a color
Aquamarine is a blue-green color in addition to being a gemstone of a similar color. What type of gemstone is aquamarine?
Aquamarine is beryl that is colored cyan or close to cyan. Other types of beryl include emerald (standard green), heliodor (yellow), goshenite (no color), and morganite (pink).
In several languages, the word for green is "verde". Which language is NOT one of them?
In French green is 'vert'
Green is in the center of the visible light spectrum. What is the approximate wavelength of green light?
Visible light has a wavelength in the range of approximately 380 to 750 nanometers (nm). Green ranges from approximately 520 nm (leaning toward blue) to 570 nm (leaning toward yellow).
True or False: After blue, green is the most popular color
True or False: Blue used to be the color of fertility and was the choice for wedding gowns during the 1400s
True, except it was green, not blue.
Which country has the highest concentration of blue eyed people?
99% of Estonians have blue eyes!
Which of these birds is mostly green?