How well do you remember these golden oldies from the 50s, 60s and 70s? Can you name the singer or band for each song? If you think so, take our challenge and name that singer. Don't forget to check the answers, we have a surprise for you there...
Released in 1965 as part of the 'Highway 61 Revisited' album
Bob Dylan
Bruce Springstein
Van Morrison
Willie Nelson
Time to Listen to Some Classic Music!
Unfortunately you scored 20% or less in this quiz, meaning you didn't really know these classic songs. This doesn't mean we can't just start singing and you won't join in! It just means you don't really remember the song names and artists, and that's fine! However, it may be time to give them a listen again, these are some super cool songs, each remembered over the generations, covered many times over and sung to this day.
Not bad at all, you definitely know some of these classic songs and no doubt you've spent some happy hours listening to these awesome songs. That said, you still got less than half of the artists correctly, which probably means you haven't heard these songs in a very long time. For that purpose, we made sure you can listen to all of them when you check our answers! So have a look there to see where you went wrong and also to listen to some heavenly music.
You did really well for yourself, crossing the 50% of correct answers, or almost crossing, and showing you do remember these classic songs, at least partly. You probably spent many a happy hour listening to these dulcet tones, and indeed these songs are generation shapers and world movers. They are forever being covered and sung to this day. Check our answers and listen to the actual songs in the answers section.
Wow! You really know your stuff! You obviously love music and love classic songs. You've probably spent many happy hours listening to these songs, and still do. We're happy to hear it because these songs are just too good and too much fun not to listen to from time to time! Congratulations! Check out our answers for those few songs you didn't get and to listen to the actual songs themselves!