Bees are more than just insects that sting you or make honey, they are a big part of the ecosystem, helping crops grow and making sure flowers get pollinated. How much do you know about this incredibly important insect? Tell us - what do you know about the humble bumble bee?
How many eyes does a honey bee have?
What is a bee's main form of communication?
Pressing against each other
What are the members of the honey bee colony?
3 queens, and a combination of knights and soldiers
A queen, a beekeeper, and a hive
A queen, workers and drones
Honey bees and houseflies
How many pairs of wings does a bee have?
What do bees collect from flowers?
How long can a queen honey bee live? (assuming she is not killed by predators, and does not catch diseases):
Which of these is NOT made by honey bees:
All of these tips will help the bees - apart from one. Which is it?
Include wildflowers and herbs in your garden, along with other good bee plants.
Use a lot of insecticide to kill as many insects as possible so there is no competition for flowers from other pollinators.
Stop using insecticides in the garden.
Ensure your bee-friendly plants are flowering throughout the seasons.
What do most bees collect pollen with?
Bees pollinate what percentage of the world's main crops?
Of the three groups, which one is made up only of male honeybees?
None of the answers are correct
Which common insect eats bees?
Try Again...
It doesn't seem you know that much about our furry little honey-making friends. We recommend you find out more about these important insects, or else try our quiz a second time!
Way to Go!
You know more than the average person about bees, that's for sure. You have quite a bit of knowledge about this important insect, but there were still some holes in your bee knowledge. Look at your mistakes to learn more about the wonderful world of bees.
You are a bee expert! How is it you know so much about these furry little insects? Maybe you know how important they are! Bees are incredibly important to the continued survival of earth's nature, and we should all know more about them.