The Bunny Quiz

What's cuter than a little bunny? We love them for their innocence, beauty and peaceful ways. But how much do you really know about one of the most beloved pets in the world? Prove your rabbit knowledge by cracking our bunny quiz!
1 of 12
What is the term for a baby rabbit?
Cutsie or cutie
Puppy or pup
Kitten or kit
2 of 12
What is the average lifespan of a rabbit?
20-30 years
12-15 years
8-12 years
4-7 years
3 of 12
True or False: Rabbits belong to the Rodent Family
4 of 12
What is the difference between a rabbit and a hare?
Hares are bigger and have larger ears
Rabbits are pets and hares are rabbits that live in the wild
Rabbits make nests above ground, while hares make their home in underground burrows
None, a hare is a female rabbit
5 of 12
A happy rabbit does something called a "binky" - what is that?
It's when the rabbit starts jumping into your lap and off of it over and over again
It's when the rabbit boops you on the nose or licks you
It's when the rabbit jumps in the air and twists around
It's when the rabbit offers you their carrot
6 of 12
A typical rabbit litter has about...
4-12 bunnies
22-28 bunnies
1-3 bunnies
50-70 bunnies
7 of 12
True or Myth? Napoleon was once attacked by an "army" of rabbits and had to flee
True, his generals released too many rabbits on a hunt and the rabbits turned on them all
Myth, this is a common legend invented in France in the early 20th century
8 of 12
Why are rabbits connected to Easter traditions?
They symbolize carrots, which in turn symbolize the earth and springtime
They like to hide so it was natural for them to hide eggs
They symbolize new life because they are so fertile
They symbolize a carefree attitude that is expected on the holiday
9 of 12
Which of these facts about rabbits is true?
Rabbits can hear a predator from 20 miles away
Rabbits can't vomit
Rabbits can live on carrots alone forever
The Flemish giant rabbit can grow to weigh 80 pounds and 5 feet in length
10 of 12
True or False: A rabbit's teeth NEVER stop growing
11 of 12
What are baby rabbits like when they are born?
Eyes open, furry and can run away within a few minutes time
Blind, naked, and helpless
12 of 12
How long is a rabbit pregnancy?
About a month
4-6 months
3-4 months
6-9 months
Try Again?
So, maybe rabbits don't interest you much, or we just got you on some things you never knew. Well, rabbits are super... READ MORE
Bunny Admirer
You definitely have some knowledge about rabbits, about the average we'd say. You did a good job but there's still a... READ MORE
You Love Bunnies
There is little doubt you love rabbits and care about them. No one would know this much about rabbits without having a... READ MORE
Bunny Expert
Wow, you hit this one out of the park! You must be a huge bunny lover, perhaps had some as pets? If you have, we're... READ MORE
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