How Much Do You Know About Birds?

Birds are always around us, flying above, living their lives on top of the world. How much do you know about these flying animals? Think you can beat our bird quiz?
Which bird gender usually has the most colorful plummage and sings the most?
The Male
The Female
It changes according to the species
Which of these is the largest bird in the world?
The Ostrich
The Condor
The Harpy Eagle
The Grey Parrot
True or False: Birds are cold blooded.
Scientists believe birds evolved from...
Small Marsupials
What is the most common bird in the world?
Which of these is the smallest bird in the world?
The Hummingbird
The Blue Jay
The Finch
The Woodpecker
Which bird can be taught to speak the most human words?
The African Grey Parrot
The Raven
The Budgerigar
The Cockatoo
What was the very first bird domesticated by human beings?
The Chicken
The Goose
The Duck
The Pigeon
Which of these is NOT a characteristic of the Kiwi Bird?
Mostly Blind
Bones aren't hollow
Mostly Deaf
Which of these is the smartest bird?
True or False: Peacocks Can't Fly
How is a bird's heart rate different to our own?
It's much faster, between 400-1000 times per minute.
It's much slower, between 20-60 times per minute.
It's a bit faster, between 150-250 times per minute.
It's a bit slower, between 50-100 times per minute.
Which of these is the fastest bird on earth (including dives)?
The Hawk
The Falcon
The Swallow
The Blue Jay
Owls can turn their head in ________ degrees.
According to scientists, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The Egg
The Chicken
Still a Chick
You don't seem to know that much about birds, which are incredibly fascinating and varied animals. We recommend you learn more by checking out our answers, or, better yet, try your hand again!
Good Job!
You definitely know more about birds than the average Joe. You got an above-average score and that means you probably know a bit about many things, especially animals. If you're interested in animal trivia, check out the rest of the category and see if your animal knowledge is equal to your bird knowledge! To learn more about birds and see where you did get it wrong, have a look at the answers.
You ACED It!
You got a very high score, and that means you know WAY more than the average person about birds. You're either a lover of these feathered miracles or just a person who likes to know things. Maybe you're an animal lover like us! Be as it may, you are knowledgeable, and your bird knowledge is genuinely impressive!
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