
Blast from the Past: 15 Fascinating Vintage Pics

There’s something quite captivating about looking at vintage pictures, isn’t there? The older the photograph, the more fascinating it becomes. They may be something as simple as a mother and her child sharing a tender moment in a park or of people inside a grocery store in the 1950s. These vintage photos show us how life used to be much before we were all alive. The way people dressed, traveled, and ate – everything used to be different. And looking at such photos feels almost surreal now.
Here’s a look at a few candid snapshots from the past that serve as a magical window to our past. Take a look.

1. Two women paying their cab fare, London, late 1920s.

Vintage Pics, cab

2. Teenagers listening to records in a record store, 1944.

Vintage Pics, record store

3. Children milling around happily after receiving free loaves of Thomas’ Vegetated Whole Wheat Bread, Los Angeles, 1928. 

Vintage Pics, children

4. A bar in Nevada County, CA, sometime in the mid-1940s.

Vintage Pics, bar

5. An elementary school class taking an imaginary trip to the moon, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1966. Just three years later, this dream became a reality.

Vintage Pics, elementary school class

6. Two boys, a man, and a dog on a fishing trip, 1900-20. 

Vintage Pics, fishing trip

7. A woman at an Automat, New York City, 1953.

Vintage Pics, Automat

8. Pneumatic tubes connecting 23 US Post Offices in New York across 27 miles. Each canister could hold 600 letters and they were used until 1957.

Vintage Pics, Pneumatic tubes

9. A woman sleeping in a train wagon, 1895.

Vintage Pics, train wagon

10. Boston, Massachusetts, circa 1906.

Vintage Pics, Boston

11. The staff of El Progreso newspaper, Texas, in the early 1900s.

Vintage Pics,  El Progreso newspaper

12. A teller in the First National Bank of Austin, around 1910.

Vintage Pics, teller

13. Two women at the Sci-Fi Convention, Cleveland, 1966.

Vintage Pics, Sci-Fi Convention

14. A New Years' party in Nebraska, sometime around the 1930s or ’40s.

Vintage Pics, New Years' party

15. A mother and her three children in their kitchen, Lower East Side NYC, 1915.

Vintage Pics, kitchen
All images source: Acid Cow
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