16 Gorgeous Gardens I'd Be Delighted to Stroll Through...
A stunning collection of 16 different landscape designs that will excite every nature lover out there.
The Fascinating Origins of 11 Lovely Flower Names
There is no better time than spring to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of flower name etymologies! Here are the origins of the names of 11 lovely flowers.
Beautiful Flowers in All Shapes and Sizes - Incredible!
Let’s take a moment to contemplate and celebrate the beauty of nature by turning our attention to 15 outstanding flowers and plants across the globe.
Enjoy Gorgeous Flowers Accompanied By Inspiring Quotes
These flowers are truly stunning, and when they're juxtaposed with some amazing quotes, their beauty is even more apparent. Enjoy this beautiful post.
INTERACTIVE: Click on the Flower to See Its Full Beauty
These interactive photos of flowers will allow you to see them in video with a click.
The Flowers & Blossoms of Fruit Trees Are Achingly Pretty
There are few things in this world that are quite as magical as a flowering or blossoming fruit tree. Take a look at 15 stunning images of fruit tree flowers.
Why is Your Cat Constantly Checking Up on You?
Ever wonder why your feline friend seems to follow you around the house, peeking into rooms you're in?
For Proof of True Love, Look to the Animal Kingdom
These heart-warming pictures will remind you that love is all around you in the world.
These Dogs Are The Perfect Companions For Older Adults!
Everyone loves companionship, and for dog-lovers there's nothing more painful that wanting a furry friend and not having one. Age is no factor for pet-having, and these 20 dogs prove it!
Keep Your Bouquet Fresh for 3 Weeks with These Handy Tips
Bouquets may not last long, but you can increase their lifespan by 3 weeks with these handy tips.
This Place Proves the Desert Can Be Beautiful
This place is called the Natural Bridges National Monument, and today we're going to visit it.
Watch These Colorful Moths Fly in Exquisite Slow Motion
In this video, a talented photographer used slow motion to show us the most beautiful moments with colorful, fuzzy moths.
INTERACTIVE: 26 of the Cutest & Prettiest Animal Posts!
From pandas to bunnies, from tigers to hedgehogs, this interactive collection promises animal lovers a terrific time!
This Fish’s Bite is Faster Than Your Blink
This is probably the weirdest fish you will ever see.
Houdini Is Back, And He's a Honey Badger Now...
An amazing video that every animal-lover should see.
There Are So Many Beautiful Types of Orchids...
There are over 25,000 types of orchid. Here are some of my favorites...
Stop Killing Centipedes in Your Home! Here's Why...
When it comes to common house centipedes, it many be far more beneficial for you to simply leave them alone instead of killing them. Here's why.
7 Sea Creatures With the Most Bizarre Super-Abilities
Some underwater animals have abilities you might find hard to believe are real.
Capturing Africa's Wild Beauty: 17 Mesmerizing Pics
Enjoy this photographic journey of African wildlife.
6 Animal Mysteries That Are Puzzling Scientists
As much as humans like to think they know everything, these animal-related mysteries are perplexing even to scientists.
Ocean-Big: Why Are Some Deep Sea Creatures So HUGE?
This video explores the unique environmental pressures and evolutionary advantages that lead to the extraordinary sizes of deep-sea dwellers.
This Is How Mother Birds Care for Their Sweet Chicks
Motherhood is a wonderful thing. It binds not only humans together, but birds too. These photos are simply amazing.
The Beautiful World of Indian Birds - 21 Gorgeous Photos
Let’s marvel at the exotic beauty of Indian birds.
Swimming Lessons Cannot Get Cuter Than This!
Watch mother otter teach her pup to swim, it's adorable!
Learn All About the Basics of Dog Psychology
Check out this collection of the most intriguing facts about the psychology of dogs that we are currently aware of, many of which will be surprising to most.
These Beautiful Animals May Not Be Around for Much Longer
The chances are you have never seen these animals before, and sadly many of them will not be around much longer. Take a look at these 18 beautiful animals.
What Did These Breeds Look Like a Century Ago?
Certain breeds of dogs have changed a lot over the last century. Check out some of their evolutionary changes here.
14 Beautiful Examples of the Cycle of Life
Here is a fascinating look at the life cycle of different living things in the form of beautiful photos.
Stunning Dogs in Their Natural Environments
These photos capture dogs amid Austrian wilderness. And the results are truly magical, capturing some enchanting portraits. Take a look for yourself.
The Ocean’s Floor Is Alive with Colorful Sea Slugs
The ocean is vast and mysterious, populated with alien like colorful creatures. These sea slugs are mesmerizingly beautiful.
The Icy Reaches of Antarctica Are Breathtakingly Beautiful
Antarctica is a continent completely covered in a thick layer of ice. It is harsh, cold, and majestic.
Photographer Captures the Ethereal Beauty of the Sea World
Check out some truly stunning photographs of the animals of the sea world by noted photographer Greg Lecoeur.
The Beautiful Wildlife of Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a wonderful place that has a large number of wild animals.
Who Needs Superheroes When We Have These Dogs?
Take a look at the extraordinary stories of five remarkable dogs who save lives and stop crimes.
Meet Japan’s Wildlife: Bears, Cranes, and Sea Snakes!
Discover Japan’s wild wonders in stunning 4K..
A Wonderful Collection of Flowers, Beauty and Color
This is BabaMail's Ultimate Floral Post collection. We've selected 12 of the best articles, photo-series and videos from our website for you to enjoy.
Witness the Raw Beauty of Nature in These Incredible Pics
Check out some of the best winning images from the 2020 Nature Photographer of the Year contest.
The Land of Ice, Snow and Whimsical Nature in 19 Photos
Admire 19 picturesque photos of nature in one of the most whimsical and stunning place on the planet - Iceland.
These Animals Are All Black & Beautiful Thanks to Melanism
Melanism is a genetic mutation that results in beautiful black animals, which stand out from their species counterparts. Here are 15 melanistic animals.
Award-Winning Nature Photos That Left Us Amazed (15 Pics)
Check out the awe-inspiring winners of the 2024 Nature’s Best International Photography Awards.
Gaze in Wonder at These 35 Amazing Photos of North America
North America has so much wonderful natural variety that it's easy to see why many believe it was blessed by God himself. Here are 35 amazing photos.
World's Finest Wildlife Images Crowned for 2023: 16 Pics
Check out the outstanding winners of One Eyeland’s 2023 Wildlife Photography Awards.
Ocean Showdown: Orcas Take on Humpback Whales
There's a reason why orcas can never get along with humback whales...
These Beautiful Animal Stories Will Touch Your Heart
Animals are an infinite source of inspiration for all of us, and these touching stories will give you renewed hope in life and maybe even make you shed a tear.
Transparent Animals Are Rare but They Really Do Exist
To preserve individual species, nature uses some wonderful tricks - like invisibility! Here are a collection of see-through creatures.
The Gentle Giants of Nature - 20 Unusually Large Animals
In this article, we'll get to know the gentle giants of our world, be it an unusually muscular pony, a hilarious chubby seal, or an extra big and cuddly Main Coon
World's Biggest Snake: This Massive Anaconda Is 26ft-Long!
Scientists have just discovered the world’s biggest snake in Amazon rainforest.