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Then & Now: How Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Years Ago

Everything changes over time: places, people, and as it turns out, even the physique of animals, namely that of our best and most loyal friends - dogs. The species as a whole had changed dramatically throughout history ever since it was domesticated. In the 20th-century selective breeding became significantly more popular and sophisticated than before. While these changes are slow and gradual, photography has been in existence for over 100 years now and we were able to see accurate images of the dogs of the past and compare them to those of today. That is exactly what the staff of Dogs of All Nations and Bored Panda did, and the result is fascinating.

Bull terriers, for example, who are known for their distinctive skull shape and their bulky build, used to be much taller and leaner and their now characteristic skull shape was nowhere to be seen! Spotting these differences is quite exciting, and you can see the transformation of bull terriers and a few other breeds in the gallery below. 

1. Bull Terrier
 What Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Bill Terrier

Bull terriers used to be much taller and skinnier, and have become shorter and more muscular over time. The shape of their heads has also become much more distinctive.

2. Old English Sheepdog
What Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Old English Sheepdog

The Old English sheepdogs’ fur used to be shaggier than it is today but apart from that, the breed remained relatively unchanged.

3. Basset HoundWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Besset Hound

While the basset’s ears became longer, its hind legs have become significantly shorter.

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4. DachshundWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Dachshund

Dachshunds used to have much longer legs and shorter noses than they do today.

5. Irish SetterWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Irish Setter

Irish setters have remained relatively unchanged, except their coat became a little thicker and their bodies a little thinner.

6. NewfoundlandWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Newfoundland

100 years ago, Newfoundlands used to weigh significantly less, with adults weighing around 100 pounds, compared to around 150 today.

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7. Scottish TerrierWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Scottish Terrier

Scottish terriers used to have a shorter coat that was much wirier.

8. German ShepherdWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, German Shepherd

During the last 100 years, the coat of German shepherds has become thicker and longer, and their overall body shape had become significantly larger.

9. RottweilerWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago,  Rottweiler

Rottweilers these days no longer have a docked tail and their coat is much coarser.

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10. West Highland White TerrierWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, West Highland White Terrier

Westies haven’t changed much during the last 100 years, the only significant change is the length of their fur.

11. Airedale TerrierWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Airedale Terrier

Airedale Terriers also haven’t changed that much, only their faces became slightly hairier.

12. DobermannWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Dobermann

The ears and overall body shape of Dobermanns changed significantly over the last 100 years. They have also become less aggressive.

13. Shetland SheepdogWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, Shetland Sheepdog

The fur of Shetland Sheepdogs has become much longer over the last 100 years, and the dogs themselves have nearly doubled in size.

14. BoxerWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, boxer

A lot of things have changed about the Boxer over the years – from the shape of its head to its overall physique.

15. PugWhat Popular Dog Breeds Looked Like 100 Year Ago, pug

Back in the day, pugs had longer legs and their muzzles weren’t as flat as they are today. Sadly, due to the fact that their faces have become flatter, most pugs nowadays suffer from breathing problems.

Images Source: Bored Panda

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