These Red Flowers Are As Beautiful As Can Be!
One simply cannot take their eyes off of these dramatic scarlet blooms!
12 of the Most Alluring Bugs You've Ever Seen
A collection of 12 beautiful insects I guarantee you've never seen before.
Proof that Aquatic Flowers Have No Match in Beauty
To honor the exotic beauty of aquatic flowers, we created a list of the 7 most breathtaking aquatic flowers in the world
23 Times Street Art and Nature Coexisted Beautifully
Urban art doesn't have to be in opposition to nature, and can actually complement it. Check these examples out!
Experience the Myriad of Wildflowers in the Smokies Range!
The Smoky Mountains are home to a wide variety of gorgeous wildflowers that are found only in few locations in the world
Amazing Plants: 15 Natural Phenomena That’ll Astonish You
In the next 15 pictures you'll see what vegetation can do and how strong the creative power of nature is...
14 Mistakes Every Pet Owner Makes
If you love your pet, you must recognize the 14 mistakes you may be making that are harmful to its well-being, security, and mental state.
A Deep Dive into the Biology of Great White Sharks
Great white sharks are marvels of nature.
Animal Family Portraits Are Just As Cute As Human Ones...
These portraits of animal families are truly adorable. It's also a mystery how the photographers managed to get a series of wild animals to hold a pose!
The Ocean’s Floor Is Alive with Colorful Sea Slugs
The ocean is vast and mysterious, populated with alien like colorful creatures. These sea slugs are mesmerizingly beautiful.
World's Biggest Snake: This Massive Anaconda Is 26ft-Long!
Scientists have just discovered the world’s biggest snake in Amazon rainforest.
This Photographer Captures Crystals with Indelible Beauty!
Behold 17 gorgeous crystals by the talented photographer László Kupi.
Animal Kingdom: Meet the World’s Grumpiest Cat
Pallas’s cats are perhaps the most unusual wild cats of our planet.
Norway's Incredible Fjords as You've Never Seen Them!
Check out this stunning video that shows Norway's fjords from the sky! We can guarantee that it'll take your breath away!
I Bet You've Never Seen Animals Like These Before!
From a pink dolphin to a brown panda, you have probably never seen these weird and rare variations of animals.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dogs!
How much do you know about our furry friends?
10 Horses That'll Astound You With Their Beauty
Man and horse have had a natural companionship for centuries. Here are 10 of the world's most beautiful horses.
Meet the Most Amazing Architects of the Animal Kingdom
Take a look at some of the weirdest and most wonderful bird nests from the animal kingdom.
INTERACTIVE: Click on the Colorful Birds to See Them!
Click on a bird and see a video of a real bird.
This Flower Gets Its Name From the Animal It Resembles
These beautiful orchids are not man made, although they may seem like it to us.
Beautiful! The Color of a Rose Conveys a Special Message
Roses are the most well known and celebrated flower in the world. You may be surprised to discover the meaning of roses and their various colors.
16 Fascinating Plants You Have to See to Believe!
How many of these interesting plants have you seen before?
These Captivating Wildlife Photos Have a Story to Tell
Take a look at some of the most moving photos of this year's wildlife photography, and the winning photos are worth all the attention they can get.
17 Flowers That Prove the World is Full of Surprises...
We've gathered for you 17 strange and extraordinary plants and flowers from around the world that all nature lovers should see...
This is the Smallest Wild Dog You've Likely Seen
This little wild dog was recently thought to be extinct.
National Geographic's Photography Never Ceases to Amaze
National Geographic never ceases to amaze us with the photos it shows us, and the 20 images you're about to see here are no exception.
These Intimate Animal Portraits Will Leave You Stunned
Photographer Pedro Jarque Krebs takes intimate close-ups of wild animals. Here are some if his best shots.
The World is Better With Squirrels In It!
This funny and cute squirrel compilation will bring a big smile to that face of yours. We guarantee it!
Is Your Dog a Genius? Find Out Now with These 12 Signs!
Ever thought that your dog's a genius? Now You can check with these 12 signs of developed intelligence!
Transparent Animals Are Rare but They Really Do Exist
To preserve individual species, nature uses some wonderful tricks - like invisibility! Here are a collection of see-through creatures.
Come Fly Away with These Colorful & Beauteous Birds
You don't see stunning birds like this every day, so enjoy this wonderful photo series of more than 30 of the most gorgeous and colorful birds on Earth!
These Have Got to Be Some of the World Strangest Plants
In this world there are pretty plants and then there are talented and bizarre plants. These 12 plants definitely fall into the latter category.
Your Ultimate Guide to All Breeds of Cat!
From Balinese to a Scottish Fold - there are many breeds of cats, and you'll find them all here!
Dads of the Wild: Animal Kingdom's Paternal Protectors
These animal fathers show unwavering dedication.
12 Beautiful Plants that Flourish in the Summer Heat
many plants are simply unable to grow in the summer heat. but the 12 before you do well in it and can decorate your house all summer long.
Family is the Most Important Thing For These Animals
Seeing animals caring for their family members in the wild is one of the most beautiful and inspiring things to watch.
10 of the Largest Living Birds in the World
Check out this list of the largest and heaviest birds that inhabit our planet today.
These Beautiful Endangered Butterflies are a Joy to Behold
These exotic butterflies are extremly rare and placed high atop the endangered species list, but will fill your eyes with color and wonder.
The Beauty of Flowers as You've Rarely Seen Them Before
Watch as these flowers, move, open and flourish in stunning colors.
These Photos Prove Mother Nature Can Be So Creative!
These photos prove that Mother Nature has a creative side.
There Are Exquisite, Colorful Trees Growing in Japan...
Japan is more than Japanese culture, it is also a land of unspeakable natural beauty as you can see in these beautiful photos of japan's nature.
Just How Clever Are Wild Parrots? See For Yourself!
Just how clever a wild cockatoo parrots? This man created a puzzle with seeds in it to see if they could solve it, and here's the footage...
The Oldest Cat in the World Lived Nearly 40 Years!
These creatures and organisms from all around the world are the oldest of their kind, and may even be the oldest living things on Earth!
Click to Transform Caterpillars Into Moths and Butterflies!
Both butterflies and moths have four stages of life, they go from the initial egg to a caterpillar, then to a cocoon and finally to a butterfly or moth. Watch these 18 interactive photos Before and After caterpillars transform.
The Worst Earthquakes in History - a Nightmare Turned Real
On this list, we feature 9 of the most devastating and deadly earthquakes in history - in rising order according to the Richter scale.
This Fish’s Bite is Faster Than Your Blink
This is probably the weirdest fish you will ever see.