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10 Most Beautiful Parrots In The World

There are around 350 different species of parrots in the world. Many of these colorful birds are kept in captivity due to their beauty, intelligence and playful nature. Below you’ll find a list of the 10 most beautiful parrots in the world.
1. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

This is a large and beautiful species of parrot, known for its distinctive sulfur-yellow crest. They can be found in Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia. They are usually between 17-25 inches tall and have white plumage.

The male and female birds are almost alike. However, they do have different colored eyes – the females have reddish-brown eyes while the male birds have dark brown eyes. They also have a wide variety of loud calls.

They can live up to 70 years and make their nests in the hollows of trees. They feed mainly on seeds, nuts, roots, and berries.

2. Bronze Winged Parrot
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

These medium-sized parrots are native to South America. Their plumage is mostly dark purple or blue in coloration, but they do have a bronze patch on their wings, hence their name.

They are sociable, intelligent, and playful birds, which is why they are considered to be great pets. With the proper training, they can learn how to mimic human voices. In the wild, they live in tree cavities and the female bird lays three or four eggs with an incubation period that lasts for 36 days.

3. Dusky Lory
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

These extremely playful and active birds are some of the most popular pet parrots in the world. They can mimic human speech very well and also enjoy interacting with people. They originate from Papua New Guinea and are also known as white-rumped lories.

These parrots are just 9.5 inches tall and weigh 9.5-10.5 oz. The male and female birds look alike and they have a bright orange colored upper chest, grey legs, cream colored rump, and a dark orange colored beak. Their diet consists of fruits, seed, and nectar.

4. Galah
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

These beautiful birds are easily identified thanks to their pink chest and face. Galah parrots are also known as rose-breasted cockatoos. They are found across all regions of Australia in large flocks.

They can be up to 14 inches tall and weigh 270-350 grams. The top of their heads and tail are gray in color. The male and females look alike, but they can be distinguished by their eyes – dark brown in males and pinkish-red in females.

5. Blue and Yellow Macaw
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

This is a large species of parrot that is native to South America. They live in humid forests and swamps. Their striking colors and ability to talk make blue and yellow macaws one of the most popular parrots to keep as pets.

They’re extremely sociable, intelligent, and love to interact with people and learn different tricks.

6. African Gray
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots
This is the most intelligent talkative parrot in the world. As is indicative of their name, African Grays are endemic to the Congo in Africa and are gray in color. Their wingspan is 46-52 cm in length and male and female birds look alike.
7. Sun Parakeet
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

This attractive bird is endemic to South America. They are yellow, red, orange, blue, and green in color. Like a number of other parrot species on this list, both the male and female sun parakeets look alike.

They live in groups that contain up to thirty birds and feed on fruits, nuts, berries, and flowers.

8. Hyacinth Macaw
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots
With a wingspan of 40 inches, the hyacinth macaw is the largest flying parrot species in the world. They are endangered and are now mainly found in Southern Brazil. They have bright blue plumage and a large beak.
9. Eclectus
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

This strikingly colored parrot species is native to Papua New Guinea. The male parrot has bright green plumage while the female birds have a bright red and purple coloration. This sexual dimorphism in plumage color makes the Eclectus an unusual parrot species.

Due to the fact that they are very calm and social, they make very good pets. They have a lifespan of around 30 years.

10. Scarlet Macaw
10 of the World's Most Beautiful Parrots

These large parrots inhabit the rainforests of Central and South America. They are known for their attractive plumage.

These are very smart birds and with proper training, they can learn a whole range of tricks. They can even recognize different shapes and colors. They also have a long life expectancy, between 40-50 years.


Source: themysteriousworld 

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