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The Meaning Behind 14 of the Most Beloved Flowers

During every trip to nature or even a short walk in the garden, we are very impressed by the extraordinary beauty of the flowers that bloom. The various colors and decorated petals capture our attention over and over again, and it isn’t without good reason that a bouquet of flowers is one of the most joyous gifts you can receive. However, in addition to the beauty, they add to each house, different flowers symbolize many different things, with each holding its own meaning. The list below will teach you the surprising meanings of 14 of the most beautiful flowers so that you can gift flowers with good intention or grow them in your garden for food reason!

1. Peruvian lily

This flower originates in South America, growing mainly in the cool and mountainous regions of the Andes because it does not like exposure to the sun. It comes in a variety of colors: orange, pink, purple, red, yellow and white. This diverse beauty makes up for the fact that, surprisingly, this flower is odorless. 

Meaning: This flower symbolizes friendship, affection, and devotion, and therefore is suitable as a gift among good friends. The twists in the flower represent the tribulations of long-standing friendships, which despite all the problems manage to be preserved by the warm and loving relationship and common past.

2. Anemone

The anemone flower is one of the most recognized flowers in the world. This flowers name means "daughter of the wind," and it is called this because of its firm stance against breezes that blow of dead petals but stand no chance against its living. In complementary medicine, anemone leaves are used to treat contractions, abdominal pain, and more. 

Meaning: The anemone flower has a double meaning. On the one hand, it symbolizes expectation and renewal, but those who observe the process of falling leaves also attribute to it the meaning of diminishing hope.

3. Carnations


Carnations are also called Dianthus, which originates from the Greek word Dios, referring to the god Zeus. Therefore, these flowers are also known as "flowers of God." Carnations come in a variety of colors: pink, red, burgundy, white, green, purple, yellow and striped. Each of the different colors carries a different and special meaning. 

Meaning: As a rule, carnations symbolize pride and beauty. A red carnation describes love and admiration, while a pink clove refers directly to the love of a woman or mother. Purple carnations represent a whim and yellow carnations symbolize rejection or disappointment. A white carnation embodies innocence and pure love, while a striped carnation is associated with events that involve a feeling of missing out.

4. Cherry Blossom


The Sakura, or cherry blossoms, are the official flowers of Japan and can be expected to bloom during the spring months. During these months, cherry blossoms make the cherry tree one of the most beautiful trees you can see in nature. The great interest aroused by the flowers is related to the color differences between the pure white flowers, the edges of which are decorated in light pink tones, against the dark color of the tree trunk. 

Meaning: In Japanese culture, this flower represents the fragility and beauty of life. It serves as a reminder that life is a beautiful wonder, but also very short, so it is important to pay attention to the smallest things in life and not miss them.

5. Narcissus


The king of the swamp, decorated with six petals that adorn it like a crown, is a very popular flower in the Middle East. In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a young man who fell in love with his own reflection and couldn’t stop looking at it until he died of starvation. After his death, the gods turned him into a flower - the narcissus, which is where it gets its beauty from.  

Meaning: Narcissus is attributed meanings related to the cycle of life. They symbolize rebirth, a new beginning, and even eternal life. Superstition holds that a single narcissus foretells a disaster, whereas a whole wreath symbolizes joy and happiness.

6. Freesia


The Freesia, which comes from warm South Africa, is one of the most fragrant flowers, and if you smell it you will enjoy a sweet and light aroma. This wonderful fragrance makes many companies use it as a base for perfumes, fragrant oils, and bath soaps. 

Meaning: The wonderful fragrance of the flower has made it a symbol of innocence, caring and consideration for others. Absolutely a flower that everyone would love to receive in a bouquet!

7. Gerbera


The Gerbera Flower has a very long life, making it a very popular flower in all flower shops. For this reason, it is believed that it also absorbs a lot of positive energy from the environment in which it grows, and transmits it to those in its vicinity. 

Meaning: Many believe that Gerbera flowers symbolize all the attributes they convey, and attribute to them, meanings of innocence, loyalty, and joy of life.

8. Gladiola


Because its leaves resemble the shape of a sword, the Gladiola flower is often referred to as a "sword lily". Some parts of the plant are toxic in the case of ingestion, and among some sensitive people, just handling the flower may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction. 

Meaning: Due to the sharp appearance of the flower, the meanings given to it are strength in character, physical strength, perseverance, and extraordinary memory.

9. Iris


This wonderful garden plant which blooms most often during the spring season, is the flower of the Greek goddess Iris, the messenger of love. It can usually be found in purple, white, blue or yellow. 

Meaning: Iris’ symbolize friendship and personal closeness between people. The purple flower is linked to wisdom, the blue expresses faith and hope in the future, the yellow communicates passion, while white symbolizes purity and innocence.

10. Orchid


The Orchid is the largest plant family of 800 species of plants, including many ornamental plants. Orchids are very responsive to the environment in which they grow; in an environment with more plants, they tend to climb, while in areas where bees live, they smell like bees to attract pollination.

Meaning: Orchids are very popular in bouquets meant for couples since it is a flower that symbolizes femininity and exotic beauty. In addition, some attribute qualities of refinement, consideration and personal charm to the gorgeous flower.

11. Bird of Paradise


Bird Paradise is an ornamental flower that grows on a bush and originates in South Africa. Its special name was given to it in the light of its colorful look and the shape of the petals that resembled a bird with feathers and a crown on its head. The calyx of the flower is orange in color while the petals are colored dark blue.

Meaning: The festivity and impressive appearance of the flower symbolize joy, happiness, and splendor. For this reason, many use it as a central flower in bouquets designed for events such as weddings, anniversaries and more.

12. Peony 


These large, fragrant flowers bloom in the spring and early summer and come in shades of red, white or yellow. They are native to Asia, southern Europe, and North America. 

Meaning: The next time you spot a peony, know that the beautiful flowers symbolize shyness, modesty, and compassion. At the same time, qualities of good health are also attributed to it.

13. Sunflower


Yellow-orange sunflowers are part of a family of about 50 species of plants. This flower was grown by the Native Americans for food, but after it was distributed to Europe it was admired for its beauty and therefore used as decoration and for healing.

Meaning: It is customary to buy sunflowers for family members or friends that we love and appreciate since sunflowers symbolize sincerity, devotion, boundless love and purity.

14. Buttercup


The buttercup is a perennial plant that is part of an extensive family of over 400 species. Red, yellow, or white buttercups can be found and are highly toxic once they are picked.

Meaning: It might be interesting to learn that the flower of the light has many meanings. Some people see it as a flower that expresses joy of life and even wealth, but others claim that it expresses childishness and egocentrism and therefore should be given to ungrateful people who have disappointed us.


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