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The Love Between a Parent and Their Young

The minute you become a parent, your whole world is dedicated to making sure you're child (or children) is safe, feels loved and grows to become wise to the world. In the adorable photos below, you can see creatures of all shapes and sizes rearing their young in the wild. Not only will these photos make you feel warm and fuzzy - they'll also show you that the bond between a parent and a child is universal, regardless of the physical form it takes: 

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They teach them how to behave.
love in animal kingdome
And how to share.
love in animal kingdome
They show them how to love.
love in animal kingdome
And shower them with hugs.
love in animal kingdome
They show their trustworthiness.
love in animal kingdome
And guide them along the way.
love in animal kingdome
They make sure their little ones are clean.
love in animal kingdome
And feed them at any time they need.
love in animal kingdome
They carry their young on their backs.
love in animal kingdome
And hold onto their trunks. 
love in animal kingdome
Or latch onto their tails, keeping them nearby.
love in animal kingdome
Their mother is their shelter.
love in animal kingdome
She is their companion.
love in animal kingdome
She is their first love.
love in animal kingdome
While the father is their protector.
love in animal kingdome
They make sure their young is wrapped up tight.
love in animal kingdome
And that they'll always have a place to lie.
love in animal kingdome
They provide their young with shelter.
love in animal kingdome
And teach them to look out for danger.
love in animal kingdome
But most of all they know that no amount of cuddles are ever enough.
love in animal kingdome
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