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The Fascinating World of Mushrooms

Mushrooms are the recyclers of the forests. You may not know this, but mushrooms are so diverse that the number of different species rivals the number of species in the entire animal kingdom. They've also been found to be closer relatives to humans than other plants. Photographer Steve Axford is passionate about the color and beauty of mushrooms and the world of fungi in general and loves to share his visual curiosity and discoveries with the world. Living in Australia, Steve travels around the world, capturing photos of rare animals, plants and the diverse people he meets. But his greatest love of photography is saved for the fungi, which, I think, have never been captured as beautifully as this. 

Marasmius haematocephalus
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Campanella sp.
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - PhotographyMushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Panus fasciatus
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography


Schizophyllum commune
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Leratiomyces sp. / Found in Booyong Reserve, Booyong, NSW
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Mycena chlorophos
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Campanella sp.
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
The Magical and Wonderful World of Mushrooms.
Cyptotrama aspratum or Gold Tuft
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Marasmius sp.
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Mycena austrororida
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Cyathus novaezelandiae or Birds Nest Fungi, Tara Ridge
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Mycna chlorophos
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Tremella fimbriata
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Hairy mycena
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Campanella sp.
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography

Leratiomyces ceres (Redlead Roundhead)

The Magical and Wonderful World of Mushrooms.
White mycena
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Marasmius haematocephalus
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Mycena interrupta
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Luminous fungi (Mycena chlorophos)
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Hygrocybe anomala
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Red Cap Fungi 
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
Hairy mycena
Mushrooms - Colorful - Wonderful - Photography
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