This magical butterfly, officially named 'Greta oto' but more widely known as the 'glass butterfly' boasts incredibly beautiful, transparent, wings. A closer look at the wings reveals veins running across them, but you can see right through them, as if you were looking through a window.
Most butterflies come with painted wings and spectacular patterning that we humans love to see. This patterning has two primary roles. It both deters predators and attracts potential mates. A glass butterfly's wings also help protect it from other animals because they allow it to camouflage against background foliage and therefore avoid detection by birds species with excellent eyesight, particularly good at detecting color.
To achieve this kind of transparency, the wing is coated with numerous sub-microscopic tiny bumps that break light and prevent it from bouncing back from the wing. Eyes perceive color based on the way it reflects light, so this special trait renders the wings largely translucent.
Wide Range: Although primarily found in Central and South America, from Mexico through Panama and down into Colombia and Ecuador, glasswing butterflies are known to migrate considerable distances. They have been spotted as far north as Florida and as far south as Chile.
The glasswing butterfly's blend of fragile beauty and resilience makes it a subject of fascination for scientists and nature lovers alike. Its ethereal appearance challenges our perceptions of nature and reminds us of the incredible diversity of life on our planet.
22 of Nature Photography's Most Exquisite Moments!
The NG website has a daily photo of the day page, from which we've selected 22 incredible examples of nature's undeniable and breathtaking beauty. Undoubtedly, you also deserve to enjoy these amazing pictures from the last few months.
This Video Opens Up a World of Flowers, Beauty and Color
A beautiful video of young flowers opening in stunning colors.
The Intense Colors of These Animals Are Simply Astonishing
Though a lot of animals keep themselves to themselves, this collection of vibrant beasties want the world to see their colorful beauty!
Snowy Foxes: The Sweetest Creatures You'll See This Winter
If you need a little bit of winter cheer in your days, you won't be disappointed by these sweet foxes frolicking in pure, white snow.
These Gorgeous Animals Make Black and White Look Beautiful
We always assume colorful animals are the most lovely but these black and white beauties are here to prove you wrong.
The Beautiful Journey of Pollination as Never Seen Before...
Did you know all this was happening in your back garden? What a wonder nature truly is!
7 Uncommon Trees You've Probably Never Seen Before...
Trees are often underappreciated. Here we present to you some of the most unusual yet fascinating trees from around the globe.
These Siamese Fighting Fish Look Like Rainbows
If you thought you knew all about fish, this colorful Siamese Fighting Fish will make you think twice, and look admiringly. I'm in love with these beauties!
Nature’s Trickster: The Mysterious Mimic Octopus
Scientists consider this sea creature the most intelligent invertebrate in our oceans!
Tiny Animals in Stunning Detail: 16 Macro Photos
These macro shots reveal the intricate beauty of tiny insects and creatures.
You Won’t Believe Who Built These Nests!
Did you know that insects are great architects? Take a look at some of the most amazing insect homes.
Nature's Wonders: 14 Fascinating and Gorgeous Plants
These are some of the most interesting plants we have seen in a while.
16 Photos That Showcase Our Planet’s Breathtaking Beauty
Check out these unbelievably picturesque photos from around the world.
These Dogs Have the Best Hair Day, Every Day.
I have never seen dogs that look so amazing before. They all have such beautiful coats of hair!
Roses Are Even More Beautiful After Reading These 10 Facts
The rose evokes sentiments of love, romance and relationships, but there are some things about them that I never even imagined. Read these impressive rose facts
Of All Tulips In the World, These Are the Most Beautiful!
Here are 25 absolutely gorgeous varieties of Tulips, that come in a wide range of shapes and colors and brighten up every garden
Get up Close and Personal with Earth's Strangest Parrot
This video will familiarize you with the world of the kakapos, some of our planet's most peculiar and endangered parrots.
Unbelievable Photos from World Nature Photography Awards
Marvel at the incredible photos from the World Nature Photography Awards 2024.
These Serpents are Stunning, but Have a Deadly Bite...
In all the fear, there is always beauty, especially for these 20 species of venomous snakes, that add both venom and color to the world.
The Fascinating Origins of 11 Lovely Flower Names
There is no better time than spring to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of flower name etymologies! Here are the origins of the names of 11 lovely flowers.
Behold 15 of Most Stunning Pigeons and Doves
We’ve compiled 15 of the most exquisite and graceful pigeons and doves in the world, both wild and human-bred, for you to discover and delight in.
These Ancient Trees Stand Ageless and Beautiful
It's incredible to see these living breathing fossils that have been around for centuries. Take a look at these 10 ancient trees.
Witness the Raw Beauty of Nature in These Incredible Pics
Check out some of the best winning images from the 2020 Nature Photographer of the Year contest.
These Flowers are Some of the Most Expensive in the World
Flowers are never cheap, but as you're about to see, some are a lot more expensive than others.
Jaw-Dropping Photos: The Wonderful Lives of Ladybugs
Here are some wonderful photos of ladybugs in their natural habitats. I always feel a childish wonder and thrill when can coax one onto my hand.
The Most Beautiful Seashells From Around the World
Every collector and beach goer in the world need this information on different seashells that are found from coast to coast.
Incredible Undersea Photography: 16 Award-Winning Pics
Check out the breathtaking winners of the Underwater Photographer of the Year 2023 contest.
The Gentle Giants of Nature - 20 Unusually Large Animals
In this article, we'll get to know the gentle giants of our world, be it an unusually muscular pony, a hilarious chubby seal, or an extra big and cuddly Main Coon
Wow! These Record-Breaking Dogs Are Incredibly Talented
From a dog that's over 3 and a half feet tall to a dog that can ride a scooter at an incredible speed, everything you're about to see is sure to amaze you!
From Alabama to Wyoming: 50 States Blessed with Fall Colors
Before the winter months take over, let's enjoy the beauty of fall in 50 U.S. states.
15 Animals that Have Drastically Changed Over Time
Humans are not the only ones who are constantly developing. Most of these amazing animals transformed past the point of recognition over time.
What Is Your Cat Trying to Tell You? Cat Sounds Explained
Cats are extremely intelligent pets and the sounds they make are their way of communicating, even if we don't always understand what they mean
A Woman's Backyard Receives Many Beautiful Bird Visitors
Ostdrossel makes different items using candid photographs of beautiful birds captured on her backyards feeder cam
Macro Photography: Pretty Ladybugs in Extreme Close-Ups
Let’s take a close-up look at the fascinating world of ladybugs through the lens of Makis Bitos.
I Never Knew Mushrooms Could Be So Beautiful
Photographer Steve Axford captures some of the world's most fascinating mushrooms. Take a look.
A Royal Beast: Celebrating the Beauty of the Horse
These stunning photos and beautiful quotes about horses made me remember how much I admire them.
In Pictures - International Garden Photographer of the Year
Take a look at the stunning nature photographs from the International Garden Photographer of the Year.
Salmon vs. Tuna: The Key Differences You Should Know
Both salmon and tuna are great seafood choices to add to your diet. But which one's healthier?
16 Award-Winning Shots That’ll Take Your Breath Away
The 2020 winners of the nature photography competition BigPicture have been announced, and they are astounding!
Animal Kingdom: Meet the World’s Grumpiest Cat
Pallas’s cats are perhaps the most unusual wild cats of our planet.
If You Thought You Knew What Trees Look Like, Look Again!
Most trees are good in the background and you hardly notice them. Not so with these spectacular rare woodland giants. Here are 13 amazing trees.
15 of the Most Beautiful Birds in Brazil's Atlantic Forest
Here is a collection of pictures of some gorgeous and colorful birds from the Atlantic Forest in Brazil.
WOW! How Can These Places Be Real? (18 Pics)
Enjoy this breathtaking collection of pictures of the most beautiful places on our planet.
These Adorable Baby Animals Will Make You Smile
These tiny animals can all fit in one hand and are the cutest creatures you will see today.
10 Adorable Sea Animals You Would Love to be Friends With
Take a look at some of friendliest sea creatures that are known to be gentle and amiable with humans.
2023 Nature TTL Photographer of the Year: 16 Winning Pics
Check out the stunning winners from the Nature TTL Photographer of the Year contest.
In Pictures: Royal Entomological Society Photo Contest
Check out the winners of the 2023 Royal Entomological Society photo contest.