Crows have fascinated people for centuries. They’re often associated with mystery and superstition, but their intelligence is what truly sets them apart. Scientists once believed that complex problem-solving was unique to primates and dolphins. Today, we know differently. Studies reveal that crows possess remarkable cognitive abilities that rival those of young children.
Related: Crows Often Get a Bad Rep, But They Are Awesome!
These extraordinary birds craft tools, remember human faces for years and solve multi-step puzzles with ease. Their thumb-sized brains pack enough processing power to plan ahead, adapt to new challenges, and even understand basic physics. Below are some of the most impressive examples of their intelligence, proving that crows may be much smarter than we ever realized.
Smart Crow Forms a Special Bond With the Man Who Saved Him
Watch how a crow who lost his home in a storm found a helping hand through a human family.
This Crow Has Got Some Attitude and We're Lovin' it!
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We Knew Ravens Are Smart. But This One Will AMAZE You
Meet Fable, the incredibly smart raven who can play the piano!
You Have NEVER Seen a Bird Like This Before
Meet the king vulture, the most beautiful-looking scavenger bird on the planet.
Remembering the Animals of War in 10 Colorized Photos
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Cat vs. Invisible Maze – Who Will Win?
This cat owner built his cat an invisible' maze with walls and a ceiling. Can the feline overcome this challenge?
Get Close with the Aquatic World - Award-Winning Photos
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This is the Smallest Wild Dog You've Likely Seen
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These Pictures Perfectly Capture the Magic of Fall
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Stop Killing Centipedes in Your Home! Here's Why...
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Let These Animal Quotes Be Your Source of Inspiration
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North America has so much wonderful natural variety that it's easy to see why many believe it was blessed by God himself. Here are 35 amazing photos.
These Siamese Fighting Fish Look Like Rainbows
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These Creatures Are So Scary You'll Be Happy They're Extinct
Once you read more about these extinct animals - you'll be happy you won't have to see them in real life.
Is There a More Beautiful Creature Than the Proud Peacock?
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Beautiful: How Your Dog Sees You Vs. How You See Yourself
Although we can feel down in the dumps about ourselves sometimes, our dogs will always keep their faith in us and see us as their heroes.
These Dogs Are The Perfect Companions For Older Adults!
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Witness the Stunning Majesty of the Birds of India
If you're a bird lover, then few places on this planet are more ideal for you than India. Find out why here.
Get up Close and Personal with Earth's Strangest Parrot
This video will familiarize you with the world of the kakapos, some of our planet's most peculiar and endangered parrots.
Looked at from Up-Close, This Species is Truly Intriguing!
This talented photographer has focused on a creature most of us would never think of photographing in this way.
Intimate Portraits of Tigers and Leaoprds in the Wild
These majestic photographs only celebrate the power and beauty of tigers.
Think You know the Grand Canyon? Check Out These 12 Facts
It’s one of the natural wonders of the world, and for good reason. Take a look at these 12 facts about the Grand Canyon you might have missed.
Nature Photos Rarely Get Any Better Than This! (20 Pics)
Check out the breathtaking winners of the GDT Nature Photographer of the Year 2024.
10 Horses That'll Astound You With Their Beauty
Man and horse have had a natural companionship for centuries. Here are 10 of the world's most beautiful horses.
The Beautiful World of Indian Birds - 21 Gorgeous Photos
Let’s marvel at the exotic beauty of Indian birds.
These Natural Wonders Are Too Strange For Words
Natural weather processes have resulted in some truly weird and wonderful natural wonders forming in certain areas of the world. Here are 12 of the weirdest.
7 of the Most Beautiful and Unique Birds of North America
Some of the most beautiful birds of North America and the Caribbean.
20 Weird Animal Eating Habits We Never Think About
The natural world can be both a weird and wonderful place, as the facts you are about to learn certainly prove.
Nature Lesson: Fun Hummingbird Facts You Never Knew Before
Learn some amazingly true and little-known facts about the insect-sized hummingbirds.
The Very Best of Undersea Photography – 15 Beautiful Pics
Check out the amazing winners of the 2021 Ocean Photography Awards.
16 Fascinating Plants You Have to See to Believe!
How many of these interesting plants have you seen before?
Journey into the Lion Kingdom With Their Fiercest Protector
An amazing video that takes you for a closer look at the heart of the lion kingdom.
Gallery: 2024 Garden Photographer of the Year Winners
Check out the amazing winners of the 2024 Garden Photographer Of The Year Awards.
These Comedy Wildlife Photos Are Hilarious
Check out 20 of the best entries from 2018's edition of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
16 Of Nature's Best Unintentional Works of Art
Sometimes the most moving and beautifully effortless works of art are the ones created by nature, without man's interference.
14 Signs Your Cat Sees You as Their Real Parent
Watch for these behaviors to understand just how much you mean to your cat, less an owner and more as a parent.
6 Animal Mysteries That Are Puzzling Scientists
As much as humans like to think they know everything, these animal-related mysteries are perplexing even to scientists.
This Photographer Captures Crystals with Indelible Beauty!
Behold 17 gorgeous crystals by the talented photographer László Kupi.
20 Animal Facts We're Sure You Never Knew About Before
We bet that you've never heard about these intriguing animal facts.
Video Box: Teaching about Animals Through Humor and Art
Interesting and entertaining videos about animals with illustrations.
16 Award-Winning Shots That’ll Take Your Breath Away
The 2020 winners of the nature photography competition BigPicture have been announced, and they are astounding!
Click to Transform Caterpillars Into Moths and Butterflies!
Both butterflies and moths have four stages of life, they go from the initial egg to a caterpillar, then to a cocoon and finally to a butterfly or moth. Watch these 18 interactive photos Before and After caterpillars transform.
Photographer Captures the Ethereal Beauty of the Sea World
Check out some truly stunning photographs of the animals of the sea world by noted photographer Greg Lecoeur.
15 Weird Dog Behaviors Explained
Join us as we unravel the secrets of doggy behavior, helping you to connect more deeply with your loyal companion.
Inspired Gardening: The Most Beautiful Garden Quotes
Gardening is more than just a hobby - it's a quality that teaches us and inspires. Here are 12 heartwarming quotes that will inspire your gardening.
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