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Stunning Photos of Beautiful Oddities and Forces of Nature

Have you ever sat down by your window during a thunderstorm, and felt the sky boom violently, as flashes of white consume the world with each strike of lightning? Amid the sound and chaos of the sky, droplets of water pitter-patter against your window, gently sliding down the glass, each drop rapidly racing against the others towards no particular end or purpose. In these moments, we see the duality of Mother Nature, a harbinger of madness and chaos, but at the same time delicate and fragile, filled with oddities and bewildering beauties.

Everywhere you turn, if you look closely enough, you’ll get a brief glimpse of strange powerful things that only nature could spring to life against all odds, whether its a tiny blade of grass that manages to grow through a floor of cement, desperate to just feel the sunlight, or the occasional double-headed strawberry, a bizarre but pleasant surprise in your garden. Just take a look at these 18 pictures, that bring to life all of the awe and wonder of nature. 


1. The Catacumbo Lightning, a storm that arises above the Catacumbo River in Venezuela that helps regenerate the planet’s Ozone Layer 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, The Catacumbo Lightning, a storm that arises above the Catacumbo River in Venezuela that helps regenerate the planet’s Ozone Layer



2. No tar or pavement could keep this plant down 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, plant grows through a crack in the road



3. This tree was struck down by a bushfire but continued to thrive and grow

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, tree burnt in a bushfire that continued to grow



4. A Blue Tang fish without its blue! 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, a translucent blue tang fish



5. The colors of a sunset, as viewed from space

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, The colors of a sunset, as viewed from space



6. This tree decided it didn’t need earth or mud to grow, bricks would do just fine! 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, tree grows from the side of a brick building, under a window



7. The cross-section of a cell of grass, viewed under a microscope  

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, The cross section of a cell of grass, viewed under a microscope



8. The Skeleton flower, with petals that become translucent when it rains

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, The Skeleton flower, with petals that become translucent when it rains



9. A couple bought some live eggs and after nearly 3 weeks, found one of them moving 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, A couple bought some live eggs and after nearly 3 weeks, found one of them moving, and a chick hatched and grew



10. A miniature garden that grew in a tiny pothole on the sidewalk 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, A miniature garden that grew in a tiny pothole on the sidewalk



11. Frogs huddle together under nature’s umbrellas while it rains

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, two frogs huddle together under flowers to avoid rain 



12. “You may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I'll rise.”

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, small tree begins to grow again on the stump of a cut-down tree



13. The view of a forest through one of its many leaves

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, view of a forest through a leaf



14. The Wave Rock, a naturally-formed wave-shaped granite cliff in Hyden, Australia

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, The Wave Rock, a naturally-formed wave-shaped granite cliff in Hyden, Australia



15. Smoke doesn’t rise from this chimney, trees do! 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, tree grows through a cement chimney 



16. From bricks bloom beautiful blue blossoms 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, blue flowers bloom from a brick wall



17. This brown bear, named Wojtek (Happy Warrior), fought Nazis alongside Allied troops and carried ammunition, advancing to the rank of Corporal and enjoying a few drinks with his fellow soldiers when they were off duty

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, a brown bear, named Wojtek (Happy Warrior), fought Nazis alongside Allied troops and carried ammunition, advancing to the rank of Corporal and enjoying a few drinks with his fellow soldiers when they were off duty



18. This Cherry blossom tree in Japan is 200 years old 

Pictures of natural wonders, powerful phenomenon and oddities in nature, 200 year old cherry blossom tree in Japan


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