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Pictures of Beautiful Birds

No matter if you are a bird lover or not, you cannot deny their colorfulness, their beauty, or the mystery they present as they fly high above us in the skies. Enjoy this wonderful photo series of more than 30 of the most gorgeous and colorful birds on Earth!
birds, beautiful, colorful
Gray Cockatoo
birds, beautiful, colorful
birds, beautiful, colorful
White-throated Kingfisher
birds, beautiful, colorful
Hyacinth Macaw
birds, beautiful, colorful
Ramphastos Toucan
birds, beautiful, colorful
Common Pheasant
birds, beautiful, colorful
Great Blue Turaco
birds, beautiful, colorful


Victoria Crowned Pigeon
birds, beautiful, colorful
Blue-grey Tanager
birds, beautiful, colorful
Anna's Hummingbird
birds, beautiful, colorful
Violet-capped Woodnymph 
birds, beautiful, colorful
Green-crowned Woodnymph
birds, beautiful, colorful
European Roller
birds, beautiful, colorful
birds, beautiful, colorful
Toucan Barbet
birds, beautiful, colorful
Swallow Tanager
birds, beautiful, colorful
Rufous-Crested Coquette
birds, beautiful, colorful
birds, beautiful, colorful
Blue Grosbeak
birds, beautiful, colorful
Superb Starling
birds, beautiful, colorful
Indian Roller
birds, beautiful, colorful
Turquoise-browed Motmot
birds, beautiful, colorful
Scarlet-chested Sunbird
birds, beautiful, colorful
Little Spiderhunter
birds, beautiful, colorful
Lilac-breasted Roller
birds, beautiful, colorful
Half-collared Kingfisher
birds, beautiful, colorful
Black-headed Oriole
birds, beautiful, colorful
Rainbow Lorikeet
birds, beautiful, colorful
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
birds, beautiful, colorful
Blond-crested Woodpecker
birds, beautiful, colorful
Blue-eared Lory
birds, beautiful, colorful
Golden Hoodie
birds, beautiful, colorful
Malachite Kingfisher
birds, beautiful, colorful
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