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Majestic Beasts: A Glimpse into Kenya's Wild (12 Pics)

Imagine the sun-drenched plains of Kenya, a vast canvas teeming with life. Towering giraffes reach for acacia leaves, while majestic lions survey their domain. Rhinos thunder across the grasslands, and elephants trumpet their presence. These are the sights that greet visitors on a Kenyan safari, a journey into the heart of Africa's untamed wilderness.

Kenya is renowned for its breathtaking wildlife, where the vast savannahs are teeming with majestic creatures. The allure of Kenya's wild landscapes draws photographers from around the world, seeking to capture the essence of its untamed beauty. Among these talented photographers is Peter Delaney, who has masterfully captured stunning black-and-white images of Kenyan wildlife during his safaris. Check out some of his best photos in the gallery below. 

Related: Amazing Africa: Join Us in This Unforgettable Wild Safari

1. "Camelopard"

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

2. "Fever Tree Leopard"

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

3. Thin, lean, and mean...

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

4. Elephant mothers and babies

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

5. Super Tusker Craig, Amboseli

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

6. Ruka and Rafiki, cheetah brothers

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

7. Black rhino mother and baby

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

8. Serengeti Boy 

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

9. Last of its kind, Northern White Rhino

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

10. Old tusker, Amboseli

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

11. African Buffalo

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness

12. Gorgeous

Wildlife Shots from Kenya's Wilderness
All images: Peter Delaney
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