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I Can't Stop Laughing at These Hilarious Wild Animals!

The natural world can be a dangerous and terrifying place, yet sometimes it can also be absolutely hilarious. From frogs hitching rides on snails' backs to pelicans throwing wild beach parties, the image gallery below will show you Mother Nature's lesser-known funny side.
1. Is there any bed more comfortable than a lily pad?
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
2. Even amphibians get tired of the rain sometimes!
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
4. "I wonder if this squirrel tastes as good as he looks..."
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
5. Beach parties tend to get a bit wild around here.
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
6. Seagulls aren't renowned for being the most helpful birds...
Hilarious Wildlife Photos

7. A rather unique family portrait.
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
8. The look of pure curiosity.
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
9. "Hand over the nuts and nobody gets hurt!"
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
10. It might be time to relocate to somewhere a bit bigger.
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
11. This pot is the perfect size for these little guys!
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
12. This deadly warrior is a force to be reckoned with!
Hilarious Wildlife Photos


13. Can you get any closer?
Hilarious Wildlife Photos
14. Just hitching a quick ride.
Hilarious Wildlife Photos

Images 1-9: askideas
Images 10-14: funnystack
Cover Image: askideas

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