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14 Award-Winning Photos of Our Beautiful Planet

The 2024 Natural Landscape Photography Awards have once again highlighted the breathtaking beauty of our world. With over 12,000 entries from 1,134 photographers across 59 countries, this year's competition was fiercer than ever. What sets this contest apart is its strict adherence to authenticity, banning deceptive digital editing and artificial intelligence, ensuring that the images celebrate the raw, unaltered splendor of our planet's landscapes.

This year, Canadian photographer Andrew Mielzynski earned the title of Photographer of the Year for his stunning portfolio titled Winter Cottonwoods, while British photographer David Southern won the Project category. These images remind us of the untamed beauty that surrounds us every day. Scroll down to discover the breathtaking winners and experience the magic of unfiltered landscapes.

Related: Nature Photography: 15 Stunning Award-Winning Images

1. “Winter Cottonwoods” by Andrew Mielzynski. Winner, Photographer of the Year.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
During the pandemic, the photographer ventured out with their camera to a local park in Toronto, Canada, braving a fierce winter storm. They stumbled upon a chaotic scene of interwoven trees, where snow, carried by the strong winds, clung to the bark of the trunks. Captivated by the natural beauty, he captured several frames to simplify the complex scene. Ultimately, he chose a shot that stood out for its tones, depth, and minimalist quality.

2. “Crossed Wires” by David Southern. Winner, Project of the Year Winner.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
The photographer had to scramble over slippery rocks to access the sugar kelp, exposed at the lowest point of the spring tide. Though their environmental importance might not be immediately evident, these habitats offer a stunning photographic opportunity, with their vivid hues and naturally arranged patterns shaped by the forces of wind and water.

3. “Musical Ripples” by John Hardiman. Winner, Photograph of the Year.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
Raindrops falling from overhead gums made playful patterns on the water's surface, on a cool foggy morning in Tallarook State Forest.

4. Tobias Richter. Runner-Up, Photographer of the Year. 

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners

5. “Morning Glory” by Anil Sud. Winner, Common Places.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
“I was intrigued by the beautiful symmetry of the tree plantation and accordingly, spent a few days exploring what the area might yield photographically. On my final return, I was greeted that morning by a scene bathed in backlit fog simplifying the composition further while providing for a stark silhouette against a muted gradation of light as a backdrop.”

6. “Na Saighneáin” by Niall McLaughlin. Winner, Nightscape.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
On an unforgettable evening, the photographer documented the aurora as it gracefully moved across the Antrim Glens. 

7. “Frozen in Time” by Jurre Jan de Wit. Winner, Mountains.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
During the winter months, the landscape feels as though it's frozen in place, with snow, ice, and wind ruling the season. The sparse Arctic plants patiently wait for summer's warmth, but water persists, finding routes to flow beneath the ice or across the surface, illustrating that despite the frozen surroundings, the land still pulses with life.

8. “Darklands” by Hans Gunnar Aslaksen. Winner, Creative Icons.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
Known as one of Iceland's most iconic landmarks, Vestrahorn draws large crowds of photographers and tourists. When the photographer arrived at the busy beach, he went behind the mountain for a new viewpoint. After launching a drone for a quick survey, he discovered two rivers that perfectly mirrored each other, leading the eye toward the mountain. He immediately realized this was a distinctive and unique take on the often-photographed site.

9. “Holding” by Mark Ditcham. Winner, Black and White.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
Grass Trees (Xanthorrhoea spp) are known for their distinctive character. This particular tree, though dead and decaying in an untouched part of the bushland, stands out with its strikingly human-like shape and form.

10. “Approaching Storm” by Philipp Jakesch. Winner, Water Worlds.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
The Lofoten Islands are famous for their rapidly shifting weather. One moment, the skies are calm and serene, and the next, a storm begins to approach, as captured in this photograph. For those with a photographer's eye, every turn offers the potential for a stunning shot.

11. “Serendipity” by David Kingham. Winner, Environmental Wildlife.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
Yellowstone in winter is a magical place. 

12. “Winter Shine” by Hitomi Seki. Runner-Up, Abstract or Details.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
This photo was taken early in the morning in winter in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It was a beautiful sight that could only be seen for a few minutes when the sun pillar appeared.

13. “Into Battle” by Ciaran Willmore. Runner-Up, Grand Scenic.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
This shot was captured on Iceland’s southeast coast during a wild morning. The dramatic waves, enhanced by offshore winds and sunlit mist creating rainbows, resembled an army marching into battle.

14. “Float” by Peter Coskun. Winner, Grand Scenic.

2024 Natural Landscape Photography Winners
During a 2023 winter storm at the Grand Canyon's south rim, the clearing clouds revealed vibrant gold and red hues, with a snow-covered outcrop emerging from the mist like a hidden treasure.
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