The first thing people imagine when you ask them to think about Finland is probably open spaces and cliffs covered in snow and empty of people. A few may imagine Helsinki the capital, but probably not much more than that. However, Finland is no small country, covering an area of 130,666 square miles (338,424 square km) and it has a variety of surprises, many different landscapes, and magical places. Ossi Saarinen is a Finnish photographer who has taken it as a goal to show the world the plethora of magical and beautiful nature that covers about 2/3 of the Finnish country. Beyond these fairy-tale landscapes are also the cute animal denizens that are oh-so photogenic!
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When Animals Love Each Other's Company, Cuteness Ensues!
When animals genuinely seem to have a good time in each other's company, we can't help but say how cute they look together
This Month's Best Animal Photos!
From powerful tigers to adorable little fur balls, this photo series has it all!
This Majestic Wildlife Photography Has an Important Cause
Some of the biggest wildlife photogrpahers used their talent to raise money for Africa's nature reserves, by selling breathtaking prints.
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If You Don't Love Foxes Yet, This May Change Your Mind
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These Little Elephant Calves Just Melted My Heart!
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Of All Tulips In the World, These Are the Most Beautiful!
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In Pictures: 2023 BirdLife Australia Photography Awards
Check out the majestic winners of the 2023 BirdLife Australia Photography Awards.
These Rapid Blooming Flowers Will Brighten Your Day
This video of flowers blooming will brighten your day. So, go ahead, treat yourself to a few minutes of beauty and relaxation.
Just How Clever Are Wild Parrots? See For Yourself!
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Photographer Captures the Ethereal Beauty of the Sea World
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A Heart-In-Mouth Video About a Chick's Fight To Survive
The adaptations of nature are truly incredible. Barnacle goose chicks have to leap off cliffs within hours of their birth to reunite with their parents.
WOW! Few Birds Compare to the Majesty of the Mighty Eagle
This bird is unique, and incredible. Learn more about the mighty eagle here.
5 Serious Medical Causes of Tunnel Vision
Tunnel vision can be a warning sign of several underlying severe health conditions ranging from eye diseases to stroke.
20 Jaw-Dropping Natural Landscapes That Grip Your Soul
It's impossible to put words to these glorious pictures. We just can't.
Nature's Engineering Marvel: World's Largest Beaver Dam
A Canadian beaver family has built a dam that can be seen from space! But how is that possible?
15 Pictures Depicting the Rare Wonders of Nature
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Jaw-Dropping Photos: The Wonderful Lives of Ladybugs
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These Photos Prove Mother Nature Can Be So Creative!
These photos prove that Mother Nature has a creative side.
The Beautiful Wildlife of Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a wonderful place that has a large number of wild animals.
I Bet You've Never Seen Animals Like These Before!
From a pink dolphin to a brown panda, you have probably never seen these weird and rare variations of animals.
You Won't Believe How a Walk in Nature Affects Our Brain
I was absolutely shocked to discover just how beneficial a walk in nature is for the brain. And upon reading #2 and #4, I couldn't wait to put my walking boots on and hit the park.
How Deep Does the Ocean Go? This Animation Reveals All!
Just how deep is the ocean? This interesting animation by Tech Insider reveals all.
Feline Lesson: Do Cats Think They Own You?
Do cats think they own their owners? Watch this video to find out.
Far, Far Away, There's a Land Where Pandas Roam Free...
Giant pandas are highly endangered, however there's a beautiful sanctuary in China devoted to ensuring that population numbers are boosted. See the photos.
13 Mind-Blowing Wildlife Photographs from 2024
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These Dogs Have the Best Hair Day, Every Day.
I have never seen dogs that look so amazing before. They all have such beautiful coats of hair!
Watch the Monarch Butterfly Swarm in Gorgeous Detail!
This is something no human has ever been able to see from so close up, and it's one of the most incredible sights I've ever seen.
25 Cute and Curious Animals Just Discovering the Snow
25 adorable animals are experiencing the simple pleasures of playing outside in the snow for the very first time.
These Comedy Wildlife Photos Are Hilarious
Check out 20 of the best entries from 2018's edition of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dogs!
How much do you know about our furry friends?
This Is How Mother Birds Care for Their Sweet Chicks
Motherhood is a wonderful thing. It binds not only humans together, but birds too. These photos are simply amazing.
10 Rare Animal Species Found in Only One Location
These unique hyper-endemic species can only be found in one place in the whole world - so they're definitely worth discovering.
These Pictures Can Reduce Your Stress. We Guarantee It!
Enjoy the beauty of our world in 15 glorious photographs.
In Pictures - International Garden Photographer of the Year
Take a look at the stunning nature photographs from the International Garden Photographer of the Year.
Witness the Beauty of the Spectacular Canadian Rockies
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GALLERY: You've Never Seen Such Crazy Weather Pics Before!
Check out this incredible collection of extreme weather photos.
The Worst Earthquakes in History - a Nightmare Turned Real
On this list, we feature 9 of the most devastating and deadly earthquakes in history - in rising order according to the Richter scale.
The Japanese Art of Bonsai Makes Miniature Gods of Us!
It has taken a lot of gardening patience for someone to grow these pot sized bonsai beauties, and - boy! - aren't they worth the wait!
Get Ready For Equestrian Adventures With Beautiful Horses!
Horses are truly majestic wonders of nature that have lived with humans peacefully for thousands of years, just like these beautiful breeds
A Deep Dive into the Biology of Great White Sharks
Great white sharks are marvels of nature.
Marvel at 14 of the Tallest Mountains in the World
There are fourteen mountains in the world that stand over 8000 meters (26,250 feet) tall. Known collectively as the 8000ers, these skyscraping peaks are very literally the top of the world.
20 Animal Facts We're Sure You Never Knew About Before
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18 Breathtaking Photos Depict Nature as Heaven on Earth
These photos enable us to appreciate the beauty in mother nature and all that she has to offer.