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21 Facts About Man's Best Friend

Dogs are one of the most common house pets in the world and have always been helpful for mankind. Whether it's by acting as guide dogs for the blind, police trackers and security aids or even just providing us with friendship and love, dogs are always here for us. But beneath all that furry cuteness lies an incredible creature most of us don't know much about. Well today is the day that’s going to change:

The most popular breed of dogs in the world is the Labrador. I can't say I'm surprised,  who can say no to a face like this?

dog facts

Dogs drink water by bending the back of their tongues into little water cups. This is also why they always make such a mess when drinking…

21 facts about dogs

The earliest ancestor of dogs is the Miacis, a small weasel-like creature that lived 40 million years ago. It is also believed to be the ancestor of raccoons and bears.

dog facts

If your dog is acting funny, barking and howling at nothing, it might be because there is a storm on the way. Dogs can hear, smell, and feel changes in the weather long before we do, and it makes them quite edgy.

21 facts about dogs

All dogs are born blind, deaf, and toothless.

21 facts about dogs

The first sense puppies develop when they are about 2 weeks old is touch.

dog facts

Dogs usually don’t like hugging. In the canine world, putting your limbs or your body across another signifies your dominance over them.

dog facts

No less than eighteen muscles move your dog’s ears around, and they can move independently from each other.

dog facts

Dogs with square heads (like Saint Bernards) can hear subsonic sounds better than dogs with narrow heads (like spaniels).

dog facts

Small dog breeds (like Chihuahuas) can hear sounds in higher ranges than big dogs.

dog facts

Dog nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints, and can be used to prove identity. Just don't try to run their nose in ink and find that out for yourself!

dog facts

Your dog’s wet nose helps it detect scent by absorbing the water droplets in the air that carry smells. If your dog's nose isn’t moist it's advisable to go see a veterinarian.

dog facts

When dogs dig after going for a number one or a number two, they’re not burying anything. They’re marking their territory using scent glands found at the bottom of their paws.

21 facts about dogs

Guide dogs poop on command because they know they will have to hold back when they are indoors for long periods. 

dog facts

Male dogs lift their legs when they pee as a sign of dominance. Much like human males leave the toilet seat up…

dog facts

Dog urine can corrode metals. There have been several documented cases were metal poles actually collapsed because so many dogs were peeing on them.

21 facts about dogs

Pekingese were specially bred so that they could be carried inside a lady’s sleeve. This was before the time we had bags designed just for carrying dogs around…

dog facts

Poodles (left) and Border Collies (right) are thought to be among the most intelligent dog breeds, in general. Labradors and Golden Retrievers are also high on that list.

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Afghan hounds (right) and basenjis (left) are thought to be the least intelligent dog breeds, in general.

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Beagles are notorious for being the nosiest dogs.

dog facts

Akita Inus (rare Japanese dogs) are the most badly behaved dogs around. They are very dominant and independent to the point of misbehaving just to prove a point. Owning one could even negatively affect your home insurance cost.

dog facts
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