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22 Award-Winning Photos That Capture the Power of Nature

The winners of the 2020 International Photography Award were finally announced, and the winning images from the nature category remind us once again of the immense power of nature. Although the competition has 13 categories, like advertising, fine art, and sports, to name a few, we chose to focus on the photos dedicated to planet Earth and its natural beauty. So without further ado, let's take a look at some of the most impressive, striking, and serene nature shots of the past year.

1. The Dark Hedges by Judith Kuhn
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, The Dark Hedges by Judith Kuhn

Image Source: International Photography Awards (IPA)

2. Two Worlds by Maciej Karpinski
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Two Worlds by Maciej Karpinski

3. First Snowfall by Timo Heinz
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, First Snowfall by Timo Heinz

4. Lone Tree, Not Lonely by Hsiao-Hsin Chen
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Lone Tree, Not Lonely by Hsiaohsin Chen

5. Little Moments Of Magic by Marlon PorterInternational Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Little Moments Of Magic by Marlon Porter

6.  Black Mountain by Ari Rex
Best of 2020: 22 Award-Winning Nature Photographs

7. Carl At The Schoolhouse by Jeffrey WeiserInternational Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Carl At The Schoolhouse by Jeffrey Weiser

8. Spanish Beauty by Natascha Meijndershagen

International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Spanish Beauty by Natascha Meijndershagen

9. Tateyama Milky Way by Masahiro HiroikeInternational Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Tateyama Milky Way by Masahiro Hiroike

10. Colors Of Norwegian Paradise by Olivier Jarry-Lacombe

International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Colors Of Norwegian Paradise by Olivier Jarry-Lacombe

11. The Depths Of Winter Forest by Ales Krivec
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, The Depths Of Winter Forest by Ales Krivec

12. Awe by David SalvatoriInternational Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Awe by David Salvatori

13. A Volcano Of Colors by Veronika K. KoInternational Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, 13. A Volcano Of Colors by Veronika K. Ko

14. Women Harvesting Chamomile by Kaveh Seyedahmadian

International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Women Harvesting Chamomile by Kaveh Seyedahmadian

15. Extreme Panoramic Landscapes by Alessandro Cantarelli
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Extreme Panoramic Landscapes by Alessandro Cantarelli

16. Hybrid Solar Eclipse And Maasai Warrior by Eugen Kamenew

International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Hybrid Solar Eclipse And Maasai Warrior by Eugen Kamenew

17. Nordlys by Mieke Boynton

International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Nordlys by Mieke Boynton

18. Insect Portraits by Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra Saiz
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos,  Insect Portraits by Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra Saiz

19. Kings & Queens by Victoria Carlson
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Kings & Queens by Victoria Carlson

20. Coexistence by Dipanjan Pal
International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Coexistence by Dipanjan Pal

21. Bloody Gongar Mountain by Jinyi He

International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos, Bloody Gongar Mountain by Jinyi He

22. Eye Of the Giant by Karim Iliya

International Photography Awards 2020: Best Nature Photos,  Eye Of the Giant by Karim Iliya

Image Source: International Photography Awards (IPA)

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