Over the eons, animals all over the earth have transformed significantly. So much so, that if you put modern animals with their prehistoric counterparts, you would be amazed at the number of changes the species has gone through. This is exactly what digital artist Roman Uchytel has attempted to do. Using his skills at Photoshop, he shows us a glimpse of how some prehistoric extinct species would look while standing side-by-side with their current kins.
These reconstructions of prehistoric animals have been done from the skeletons of ancient animals that once roamed our planet millions of years ago. Many of these extinct animals are unknown to the public even today and still remain a mystery.
Now, a lot of you may be aware that the Woolly Mammoth was related to the modern-day elephant, but in these pictures, you will see many more such little-known giant fascinating prehistoric creatures and get to understand just how much they have evolved. We bet you will be surprised to find out that many of these extinct animals were way bigger than their contemporary relatives.
Related: Useless Tusks and Dolphin-Lizards: Oddest Extinct Animals
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