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16 Rather Surprising Facts About Dogs

Raising a dog is an amazing experience, both for the dog and the person, but many dog owners don’t always know what’s good and bad for their beloved animals. There are some great pieces of advice on this list that any dog lover should know. Some of these facts are bound to surprise you!
1. Seeing eye dogs are trained to "go" on command
2. Dogs are very resourceful
In Russia, stray dogs learned to use the subway to travel to areas with more restaurants and food stands where they scavenge and even scare people for food.
3. The smartest dog in the world can recognize over 1,000 words
Chaser, a genius border collie, can differentiate between 1,022 nouns. If you place the dog in front of a bowl of balls and ask for the tennis ball, he’ll bring you the tennis ball.
4. Most dogs have the intelligence level of a 2-year-old human
5. Dogs have 18 muscles in each ear
6. There’s a reason they do a few circles before they lie down
They’re actually building a nest.
7. Dogs curl up into a ball because it’s cozy and safe
8. A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than a human's
9. Dogs can smell your insulin levels dropping
Diabetic alert dogs are trained to let their owners know when they need to pay attention to their insulin levels.
10. They can also detect signals of distress or disease
11. Dogs get jealous
If you think your dog doesn’t care when you’re giving attention to others, there’s a good chance you’re mistaken.
12. A man with a dog is three times more likely to attract a mate
A dog makes for the best wing-man.
13. Dogs feel love
A recent study showed that when dogs get praise from their owners, it activates the same area of their brain as in humans who are in love.
14. Petting a dog can lower one’s blood pressure
15. Your scent can curb your dog’s separation anxiety
16. BONUS: See the only dog breed that yodels rather than barks


Images by Deposit Photos and Wikipedia.

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