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16 Of Nature's Best Unintentional Works of Art

There is no doubt that humans have created some unbelievable works of art, be it paintings, beautiful buildings, pottery, or any other type of art. Still, some of the most moving and beautifully effortless works of art are the ones created by nature. Miracles like a levitating leaf trapped in a spiderweb, the dazzling wings of a giant moth, or a shiny bug that looks otherworldly were all created without the interference of man. If you pay close attention, those beautiful things can be found all around us. Below, we have collected 16 photos of nature’s wonders to celebrate their beauty and uniqueness. 

1. This geometric spider web trapped a leaf on the top of a trail post, and it looks as though it's levitating.
Unintentional Works of Art Created by Nature leaf trapped in spider's web

Image Source: Reddit

2. The Man o’ War is a species of siphonophore, a group of animals that are closely related to jellyfish.
Unintentional Works of Art Created by Nature man o' war

Image Source: Bright Side

3. The leaves of this tree create an optical illusion of blurUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature tree

Image Source: Reddit

Related: These Natural Optical Illusions Are Stunning!

4. An inky cap mushroomUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature inky cap mushroom

Image Source: Reddit

5. This bug has heart-shaped patchesUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature bug

Image Source: Reddit

6. A pacific sea nettleUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature pacific sea nettle

7. Fungi growing on a clothes peg - nature will always find a way to come forthUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature fungi growing on a clothes peg

Image Source: Reddit

8. A Northern spiny-tailed geckoUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature spiny tailed gecko

Image Source: Reddit

9. There is a Picasso painting on this pebbleUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature Picasso pebble

Image Source: Reddit

10. Cuttlefish can grow as large as 20 inchesUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature cuttlefish skeleton

11. This is an abandoned hornet’s nest. The head is a part of a wooden statue it fused with.Unintentional Works of Art Created by Nature hornet's nest

Image Source: Reddit

12.  A sapsucker making patterns on a treeUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature sapsucker

Image Source: Wikipedia

13. A giant atlas mothUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature atlas moth

Image Source: Imgur

14. This dried leaf looks like an intricate laser-cut patternUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature leaf pattern

Image Source: Reddit

15. A potato dressed up like a pear Unintentional Works of Art Created by Nature potato

Image Source: Reddit

16. A 1000-year-old tree burlUnintentional Works of Art Created by Nature tree burl

Image Source: Reddit 

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