Cutest Rats in the World
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15 Adorable Members of the Rodent Family

Our usual reactions to the rodents we commonly see are shrieks, groans of disgust, or sheer frustration at the now semi-gnawed door in our home. But don’t judge the whole family based on one or two pesky relatives. These are some of the most surprisingly cute cousins of rats you’ll ever see.

1. Brown Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
Brown Hairy Dwarf Porcupine, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Illustratedjc / Wikimedia Commons)

I thought porcupine's were supposed to have sharp edges, but this one is all fuzzy! 


2. Chacoan mara 

Chacoan Mara, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

Is it a pony? Is it a rabbit? Is it a kangaroo? Who can tell. 


3. Eurasian Red Squirrel 

Eurasian Red Squirrel, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Peter Trimming / Wikimedia Commons)

This little guy looks like it has seen something very shocking!


4. Cape Mole Rat

Cape Mole Rat, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Professor Nigel C. Bennett / Wikimedia Commons)

I did not know that mole rat's came in fluffy-form!

5. Indian Giant Squirrel

Indian Giant Squirrel, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Yathin S Krishnappa / Wikimedia Commons)

Why does this playful squirrel remind me of my cat? 


06. Paraguaian hairy dwarf porcupine

Paraguaian Hairy Dwarf Porcupine, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Syrio / Wikimedia Commons)

Again, with the confusingly cuddly porcupines! Make up your mind, Nature! Although, I am definitely scared of those claws. 


07. Muskrat

Muskrat, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Jumpingmaniac / Wikimedia Commons)

This musky rodent is just one giant ball of fuzz (hiding some crazy sharp teeth!)


08. Northern Viscacha

Northern Viscacha, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

It looks like a bunny, and hops like a bunny, but this is no bunny!


09. Long-tailed chinchilla

Long-tailed Chinchilla

(By Yabopomonofonomopo bay / Wikimedia Commons)

Daw. This funny looking chubster has giant everything except for front paws.


10. Southern mountain cavy

Southern Mountain Cavy, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Melisa Nemecek / Wikimedia Commons)

Are those the biggest eyes you've ever seen? 


11. South African springhare

South african Springhare, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Revolutionrock1976  / Wikimedia Commons)

This furry friend of ours is like a pocket-sized kangaroo!


12. Dassie Rat

Dassie Rat, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Vernon Swanepoel / Wikimedia Commons)

I bet all the other rats are envious of his long luxurious tail.


13. Laotian rock rat

Laotian Rock Rat, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Jean-Pierre Hugot / Wikimedia Commons)

I wonder if it got it's name because it resembles the cuddliest rock you will ever find. 


14. Val's gundi

Val's Gundi, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By Momofelit / Wikimedia Commons)

It's fur...looks so so soft. 


15. Desmarest's Hutia

Desmerest's Hutia, nature, family, adorable, fluffy, rats, species, cute overload, relatives, rodents,

(By © Salix / Wikimedia Commons)

It's like watching a family of tiny bears. 

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