In our magical world, there are millions of different kinds of animals and creatures that are rare and hidden. Every year, scientists discover dozens of new animals they hadn’t encountered before. Some of them are beautiful, captivating, and simply fun to look at. There is very little information on most of these newfound animals because researchers have not yet had time to follow their habits, but it is safe to imagine that once this happens we will discover a wealth of fascinating information. Until then we invited you to look at pictures of 14 unknown animals and discover a new world of wonderful creatures that you never did see before.
1. The lowland streaked tenrec from Madagascar is a small mammalian porcupine lookalike that finds food by sticking its nose into the ground.
2. The Sunda flying lemur lives in East Asia and isn’t exactly capable of flying - instead, it glides from tree to tree to find food and escape predators.
3. The male lilac breasted roller who lives in Africa spends his mating season flying in the sky and diving back down while whistling quite a unique call.
4. The golden tortoise beetle is a special insect that can change color during courting season or when touched.
5. On the back of the Mata Mata turtle, a solitary species of the turtle family living in South American rivers, algae and green plants to disguise itself.
6. The "Sea Pen" is a marine creature that anchors its roots in the ocean floor and feeds on tiny organisms.
7. This isn’t a rabbit, it is a Patagonian Mara which is usually found in Argentina and South America. The Mara is a large rodent and is nourished mainly by herbs, fruits, and vegetables.
8. Don’t get confused, this isn’t a hummingbird, but a kind of small-medium-sized moth called the hummingbird hawk-moth and it is active during the day and at night.
9. The Sri Lanka frogmouth is a species of bird with a frog-like mouth. It belongs to the family of Podargidae which are active mainly at night, but this variety is also active during the day.
10. The long-wattled umbrellabird lives in Colombia and Ecuador. The males boast a long plume of feathers on its neck that keeps it dry and which they puff out to impress females during mating season.
11. Dugongs are marine mammals and are the third largest animals in size after whales.
12. This interesting animal is called an Aye-aye and it is a nocturnal lemur found in Madagascar. For years this species was considered an extinct animal until the Aye-aye was spotted again in 1961.
13. Asian Giant Softshell turtles are known to hide at the bottom of lakes and lie still to hunt their prey.
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