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13 Mind-Blowing Wildlife Photographs from the 2024 Competition

For 60 years now, the Natural History Museum in London has been holding a photography competition that attracts talented photographers from all over the world, who try to be the ones responsible for capturing the most impressive and beautiful moments of wildlife. Today, we decided to present to you not the winners of the competition, but rather the images that received praise from the judges, showing moments you would likely never encounter yourself if you hadn't seen them here. These are 13 rare, beautiful, stunning, and terrifying moments that will show you the hidden and true faces of nature...
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1. "Deadly Bite" by Ian Ford – "Mammals" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Jaguar Bites Caiman
In this image, the moment is captured when a jaguar delivers a deadly bite to a caiman. The photographer received a radio alert that a jaguar had been spotted near the Sao Lorenzo River, and this image was taken from his boat, at the exact moment the jaguar bit the skull of the fearsome reptile. 

2. "Ziggy the Spider" by Son Tak – "Invertebrates" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: David Bowie Spider with Egg Sack
This photographer was traveling in Malaysia when he spotted a female David Bowie spider (Heteropoda davidbowie) carrying an egg sack. The white sack, held in her jaws, and her orange color stood out to the photographer against the green mossy background.

3. "Stormy Scene" by William Fortescue – "Mammals" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Lion and Lioness
In the Serengeti, against a backdrop of storm clouds and a setting sun, the photographer noticed two lions mating. Only when examining the image closely did he realize the number of insects flying off the lion’s body as it recoiled, and the saliva dripping from its mouth.

4. "Caught on the Line" by Tommy Trenchard – "The Bigger Picture" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Shark Caught on a Fishing Line
In this image, a shark is captured bending its body in one last effort to resist. This is exactly what the photographer wanted to capture through his lens – the accidental capture of a shark during fishing for tuna or swordfish, to show just how flawed legislation on this matter is, especially in international waters.

5. "Final Resting Place" by Randy Robbins – "Natural Art" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Frozen Deer Carcass
The photographer was struck by the beauty of the frozen deer carcass he found on the forest floor. Even though he had a more professional camera, it wasn’t with him at the time, and since he didn’t want to risk the frost melting before he returned, he captured the image with his iPhone. If we hadn’t told you, you wouldn’t have known.

6. "Twist and Jump" by Jose Manuel Grandio – "Mammals" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Ermine Jumping
In sub-zero temperatures, this photographer saw an ermine jumping in the air above the snow. Scientists still don’t know how to explain this behavior, with some suggesting it’s a form of dance, while others believe it could be a way to confuse predators or get rid of parasites.

7. "Moonlit Hunt" by Xingchao Zhu – "Mammals" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Pallas's Cat
This photographer came face to face with a Pallas’s cat while the moon was just above the horizon. He had been following a group of these cats on the frozen plains of Mongolia for several days, and this encounter occurred shortly before sunrise, when the cat had just caught a bird for an early breakfast. 

8. "Under the Spotlight" by Cheriyobi Mehta – "Age 10 and Under" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Two Peafowls
The young photographer responsible for this shot found two common peafowls and immediately ran to her father to ask for his camera. She got down to the ground and photographed the scene before her from a low angle, and if you look closely, there’s another model on the right.

9. "Strength in Numbers" by Teo Bosboom – "Animals in Their Natural Environment" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Thousands of Mussels
In this image, the photographer showed how mussels gather together to avoid being swept away from the shore. Mussels are usually not very exciting or beautiful, but this photo, taken with a wide-angle lens, demonstrated how their strength truly lies in numbers.

10. "Going with the Flow" by Tamara Stubbs and Atlantic Productions – "Animals in Their Natural Environment" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Two Sleeping Crabeater Seals
The photographer spotted two crabeater seals napping among the ice chunks at sea. This moment was special because they had fallen asleep right next to her boat, with the tips of their nostrils just poking through the water to breathe.

11. "Precious Stones" by Samuel Stone – "Behavior: Birds" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Jackdaw with Stones in Beak
In this shot, a jackdaw is shown carrying several stones to its nest. It all started when the photographer noticed a hole in a tree trunk, where he found a pair of jackdaws, and he visited them occasionally to photograph them. These birds fill their nests with all sorts of materials, not just branches and twigs, but also feathers, wool, moss, mud, animal droppings, and even stones.

12. "Center of Attention" by Georgina Statler – "Invertebrates" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Male Bees Competing for Female
The photographer focused on a group of male bees trying to win over a female. She had studied these bees for several years, so she knew to keep her distance, but her long lens didn’t disappoint.

13. "Leaving the Nest" by Dasha Jumanka – "Age 10 and Under" Category

Selected Images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024: Two Young Barn Owls
The photographer found two young barn owls curiously watching the passersby. For several days, she had seen these owls in the park near her home, and even in her neighborhood, and was amazed to discover how close they live to the city.
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