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The Link Between Food Additves and Gray Hair

Over the years, as we age, we begin to notice various changes, one of the most prominent being the hair losing its color and turning gray and white. When this happens, we immediately want to stop the clock and even turn back time, and we start trying various methods to minimize the changes that come with aging and to fend them off as much as possible. When it comes to hair, you can of course simply dye it, but that is merely a cosmetic and external treatment. If we want to stop the hair from turning gray, we need to take other steps, and here arises the question of whether certain nutritional supplements can help achieve the desired change? Let's delve into this matter a bit more and find out the answer.

What Causes Gray Hair?

There are two main factors that play a role in the graying process: genetics and aging. "Your hair color depends mainly on the amount of melanin in your hair follicles, and as we age, we produce less melanin," says Dr. Debra Wattenberg, a dermatologist from New York. Melanin is a substance found in your body that creates pigment in the hair, skin, and eyes, and as we age, we produce less melanin. In fact, some researchers claim that 50% of people will see 50% of their hair turn gray by the age of 50.
Can Dietary Supplements Prevent Gray Hair: Woman with Gray Hair
There are also studies that show habits like smoking contribute to early graying of the hair, and the longer you smoke, the more likely it is that your hair will turn gray. Other studies show that stress levels also affect the process and accelerate hair graying.

Vitamins and Minerals Lacking in Graying Hair

While a deficiency in a certain vitamin or mineral may be the culprit behind your gray hair, "a vitamin deficiency as a real cause of gray hair is rare," says Dr. Wattenberg. But since a deficiency in a vitamin or mineral can 'contribute' to graying hair, "you should consider your diet." This is especially true if you are graying prematurely, as some studies suggest that deficiencies in certain nutrients can accelerate the rate at which your hair turns gray, and this includes:
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Zinc
Can Dietary Supplements Prevent Gray Hair: Gray Hair

Can Dietary Supplements Prevent Gray Hair?

A review of studies conducted in 2018 suggests that dietary supplements may reverse the premature graying process in those who suffer from a deficiency in certain nutrients, including iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. However, although some dietary supplements are marketed specifically as "anti-gray hair," there are no studies that prove they actually work, so it is impossible to know for sure whether they can help.
Additionally, taking more than the recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals can cause other hair-related problems. "Excessive consumption of certain vitamins and minerals can cause hair loss," says Dr. Wattenberg. In fact, the review showed that taking too much vitamin A and selenium can cause hair loss. So before you take any vitamins to restore your hair to its former color, talk to your doctor. If they recommend any supplements for gray hair, make sure to follow the dosage instructions.

It’s Even Better to Eat the Right Foods

Vitamins and minerals don’t just come from dietary supplements, and they are usually not the first source you should turn to, because what you put on your plate is much more important. "Eating a healthy diet is key to healthy and beautiful hair," says Dr. Wattenberg. She also adds that most people get enough vitamins and minerals through a healthy diet and do not need supplements, and it is important to ensure that you are consuming the following foods and ingredients:
  • Healthy fats like fatty fish and avocado
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Berries
  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Natural yogurt
If you are eating healthy and still suffering from graying hair, you can talk to your doctor about it, and they will refer you to blood tests to check if you have any deficiencies or other tests to see if there is another problem in your body that is causing it.
Can Dietary Supplements Prevent Gray Hair: Healthy Food

Bottom Line

Gray hair is a natural part of the aging process due to a combination of genetics and a decrease in melanin associated with age. While there are no proven vitamins to restore hair to its original color, maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle may help slow down the process. If your hair is graying, before you start taking any supplements without a medical recommendation, talk to your doctor and do blood tests to check if you indeed have any deficiencies or other health issues that may be causing the appearance of gray hair.
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