A study conducted at Hampton University, Virginia, revealed that a combination of yoga and deep breathing exercises aided teens losing weight. The study divided 60 boys and girls into two groups. The first undertook 40 minutes of yoga and deep breathing (pranayama), four times a week for 12 weeks. The second group did none of this. At the end of the trial, the first group had lost and average of 6 lbs. without any change in their diets.
The study’s author, Anand B. Shetty, concludes with the following advice: “I recommend 30 minutes of pranayama and yoga, three to four times a week. This can easily be incorporated at home during leisure time.”
How Breathing Helps Break Down Fat
Furthermore, Jill Johnson, the creator of Oxycise, claims that “the more oxygen our bodies use, the more fat we will burn.” This is because fat is made up of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. When oxygen is breathed in it reaches the fat molecules and breaks them down into carbon dioxide and water. Then, as the blood picks up the carbon dioxide it sends it to the lungs to be breathed out.
The combination of good regular exercise and deep breathing can therefore safely be relied upon to lead to significant weight loss.
To see Ryosuke demonstrating his breathing techniques click on the following video:
H/T: medicaldaily.com
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