Did you know? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our body consists of 365 points and 12 principle meridians (a channel network that allows energy to flow, accessing all parts of the body), equivalent to the number of days and months in a year.
Chinese medicine has a long history. It perceives the body to be an energy system, asserting that massaging particular points will influence the flow of energy in the body, boosting and enhancing the function of the body organs.
One such point known as 'the point of longevity' is believed to decelerate the aging process and contribute to preventing a number of diseases.
Let's take a look at the positive effects massaging this point can have on the body:
Disclaimer: This article serves for informative purposes only. Health-related issues should always be seen to by your doctor. Nevertheless, unless you suffer from insomnia, it won't hurt to try massaging this one, crucial point.
Located just below the kneecap (see image above), the point of longevity can easily be found. Just place your hands on the knees, keeping your left hand on the left knee and the right hand on the right knee. Its exact point is located between the ends of your ring finger and the little finger.
• Take a couple of moments to relax before you begin. Prior to massaging this point, ensure that you are sitting comfortably. Inhale deeply, focusing on your emotional state.
• Massage the point in circular movements, clockwise, 9 times on each leg. Massage the area with your fingers, or use grain cereals such as buckwheat, oats or rice.
• Preferably, massage the point of longevity in the morning, as doing so before bedtime may cause insomnia. At night, a better alternative would be to massage these spots on your legs, to promote better sleep.
According to TCM, this point is believed to help your body combat countless issues and health conditions. It certainly won't hurt to massage this point, if only to reap just a couple of its health benefits.
Massaging this point is thought to be especially beneficial for the organs in the lower part of the body. The point of longevity is believed to boost the function of the reproductive system, kidneys, glands, gastrointestinal and digestive tract. Massaging this point has also seen positive results in constipation, gastritis, urinary incontinence and impotence, and has been known to alleviate hiccups.
The point of longevity can also be very useful in eliminating anxiety, stress, and tension, maintaining an inner balance and boosting your confidence. Massaging this point regularly is believed to have positive effects on preventing inflammation, regulating and boosting the immune system, as well as regulating glucose and insulin levels.
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