If you have a healthy interest in your own well-being, you've probably heard the word 'Antioxidant'. Antioxidants are molecules that protect our cells from free radicals that damage our cell membrane, cause damage to our entire body and, since cell damage is the same as getting older, makes us grow old before our time. This is why eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as eggplant, grapes, berries, mangoes, carrots, seafood and others is extremely important for our continued youth and well-being.
Antioxidants not only make our skin look younger, it also makes our body literally younger, reducing the damage it has to deal with, giving our muscles more strength and keeping our nervous system and brain younger and more resilient to the damages of time.
But sticking to a diet can be tiring. We're all human and it's hard to keep up with all the antioxidant rich foods we should be eating on a daily basis.
So when it comes to powerful antioxidants, you should know about Astaxanthin: A molecule that seems perhaps to be the most powerful antioxidant known. This is a compound harvested from a certain type of red kelp that produces Astaxanthin as a way of protecting itself against ultra-violet light. This component is what gives these kelp (as well as birds that eat them such as the flamingo) their red coloring. Astaxanthin compares astoundingly well to other nutrients and powerful lipid-soluble antioxidants when it comes to free radical scavenging and neutralizing singlet oxygen. |
Astaxanthin is known as the most powerful of antioxidants because it is: 6000 times stronger than Vitamin C.
500 times more effective than Vitamin E.
550 times more powerful than green tea catechins.
11 times stronger than beta-carotene.
As much as 2.75 stronger than lutein with regard to singlet oxygen quenching.
Researchers believe some of the advantages astaxanthin has are due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and protect our brain cells and nervous system from oxidative stress. Benefits of using a powerful antioxidant that works for you:
- Preventing the likely development of fast replicating cancerous cells.
- Gives your skin a youthful appearance and prevents wrinkles.
- Supports your visual health, protecting your vision.
- Maintains your cardiovascular health.
- Supports the health, structure and function of joint tissue.
- Reduces the risk of cataracts.
- Lowers high blood pressure.
- Helps prevent cognitive diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimer's.
- Boosts the immune system and prevents the outbreak of inflammation and infection.
To get your fill of astaxanthin, you can either get a specialized supplement or dine on wild pacific salmon. Make sure it's not just any salmon, because wild pacific salmon have 400% more astaxanthin than they do.
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