Grapefruit is a good remedy for influenza as it helps to minimize the acidity in the body. The bitterness of grapefruits comes from an essence known as naringin, which is also a very powerful antioxidant. Due to the presence of this compound, grapefruits have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties, making them excellent line of defense for the immune system, protecting against influenza and other serious conditions.
Grapefruits contain quinine which can help in the treatment of malaria, as well as arthritis, lupus, and nocturnal leg cramps. Quinine can be easily extracted from the fruit by boiling a quarter of a grapefruit and straining the pulp.
Drinking equal amounts of grapefruit juice and lemon juice is a refreshing way to boost your energy levels. Nootkatone is a rare and important compound found in grapefruits, and it improves energy metabolism in the body through AMPK activation. This results in higher endurance and energy, a reduction in the chances of developing diabetes, and increased weight loss.
A glass of grapefruit juice before bed can promote healthy sleep and alleviate the symptoms and repercussions of insomnia. This is due to the presence of tryptophan, the chemical that causes tiredness after meals. The levels of this chemical in grapefruit juice allows us to nod off peacefully.
A glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice is a great remedy for constipation. The juice stimulates the colon and other parts of the body that are responsible for the digestion process. This is due to the stimulating effect fiber has on the secretion and stimulation of gastric juices that ease the constriction of the digestive tract, allowing a bowel movement.
Grapefruits are rich in potassium and vitamin C, so itโs one of the best treatments available for dangerously reduced urination that is often caused by heart, liver, or kidney problems. Furthermore, the potassium works as a vasodilator, meaning that it helps blood vessels and arteries to relax, reducing blood pressure and decreasing the risk of heart attacks and stroke. To add to this, increased consumption of potassium has been linked with higher cognitive function due to increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain.
Grapefruits are a bulky food that are extremely high in fiber. This means that they are filling and help prevent people from overeating. Furthermore, they help to stimulate the production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that regulates digestive juices and acts as a hunger suppressant.
Just 10-20 drops of grapefruit juice, taken before meals, can work as an appropriate pro-biotic and digestive enzyme, relieving excess gas and stomach discomfort.
Despite all these health benefits, you should not take medicine and consume grapefruits at the same time. The reason for this is that certain chemicals in this fruit, such as naringin, can interact negatively with various drugs and cause damage to your organs. Therefore, if you regularly consume grapefruits, you should consult your doctor before beginning any new treatments.
Source: organicfacts
Images: depositphotos
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