If you're like me, you want to keep your cognitive functions sharp. It's easy to lose focus, and that's why brain trainers like this health game are so helpful... READ MORE
Click on Play.
You will be given a menu of 3 choices:
1. Daily Challenges - This is your daily trainer and where we recommend starting. It will quiz you every day on a different part of the brain, helping you stay focused.
2. Training - Here you can choose any challenges YOU want to take.
3. Results - As the name suggests, here is you'll find the results of the tests you took so far, and see where you need improvement.
When you start playing, a card will come up with instructions about the challenge ahead, read it carefully before clicking to begin.
If you missed it, you can click on the pause button (lower right) to get a menu. Click on "how to play" in order to relearn the rules of this challenge. You'll also be able to mute music and sound in this menu. Click "Resume" to quit the menu and continue or "Quit" to return to the main menu.