Very few things in this world are as cherished and precious as a true friend is! So why do we need a true friend in our lives so badly? Furthermore, what does it even mean to be a true friend in the first place? The video below will attempt to answer both of these fundamental questions and more!
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
Thanksgiving is a time to feel gratitude towards the good things in life. Let your loved ones know you're grateful by sending these these video greetings.
A Special Ode to a Special Friend...
This is the most beautiful way to express your love to a friend.
Inspirational Words of Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita
This collection of quotes from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is truly life-changing.
Your Life Can Become Magical If You Follow These Mantras
Spiritual master Sadhguru explains how your life can become magical if you unlock the innate genius within you.
Thanksgiving is a time to feel gratitude towards the good things in life. Let your loved ones know you're grateful by sending these these video greetings.
This Mother's Letter to Her Daughter Touched Me Deeply
There is nothing quite like a mother's love for her daughter, as this heartbreaking letter reveals. Prepare to be moved.
What to Teach Your Children About Love
Nine lessons every parent should teach their children about love.
Develop Your Kid’s Curiosity and Imagination in 40 Questions
Learn how to ask your kids questions that develop their imagination, curiosity, and creativity ...
Understand Your Grandkids Better by Asking These Questions
These questions will help you understand and connect with your grandkids better.
Heartwarming! The Special Bond Between Mother & Son
These pictures illustrate just how special the bond between a mother and son truly is. Take a look:
How to Be a Very Good Grandparent: 28 Foolproof Steps
There's plenty of advice out there for parenting, but everyone assumes grandparenting is too simple to be explained - how wrong they are!
Nine Ways Using a Smartphone is Harming Your Child
we have gathered for you the 9 problems that may result from prolonged use of smartphones by your child.
Relationship Anxiety: Understanding the Causes & Solutions
If you feel that you’re suffering from relationship anxiety, keep reading to discover the signs, causes, and how to overcome this issue.
13 Fun Activities That Help Babies Develop Properly
In the first weeks of life, your baby will usually be busy sleeping and eating. to add some excitement to this routine, do these 13 activities!
Why Children Suck Their Fingers and How to Make It Stop
To aid in understanding and addressing finger sucking, this article discusses why it may happen and how to stop the behavior.
These 11 Phrases Mean the World to Your Adult Kids
Want a better relationship with your adult children? Say these things to them.
How to Raise Happy Children: 10 Scientific Steps!
The most important thing for kids' success is their happiness, and these 10 top tips for getting your kids and grandkids happy are backed by science!
5 Types of Damaging Parenting and How to Fix it
Our relationship with our parents affects us throughout our lives and shapes our personality, but sometimes it has a negative effect. Discover more here.
40 Questions We Should Ask Every Child
The next time you have a few free minutes with your kids, ask them some of the following 40 questions and listen to their answers
Another Good Reason to Put the Phone Aside When With Kids
Extensive research on this topic has consistently shown the importance of giving our undivided attention to our children in order for them to learn and grow.
Children are Capable of So Much More than We Realize...
After seeing this video, you'll never dismiss kids just because of their age.
Parenting Tips: How to Put a 2 Year Old to Bed
This video tutorial offers practical solutions tailored for your 2 year old's bedtime.
5 Vaccinations Every Grandparent Should Get
As a grandparent, you may wonder what vaccinations you need to take to make sure your grandkids are safe.
5 Scientific Reasons Why Kids Need Cuddles Every Day
Scientists found that hugging plays a vital role in a child’s brain development, offers stress relief, and may even change a baby’s genes. Read on to learn more...
Advice: How to Deal With Toxic Family Members
This article will help your identify toxic family members and how to deal with them.
10 Life Lessons We Should Pass to Our Children
Slowly, these lessons will sink into your child’s mind and change the way they think about themselves and see the world.
Calm a Loud Baby by Massaging These 7 Points on their Feet
From tummy pains to constipation and sinuses, applying pressure to these 7 points will help soothe your baby's ailments.
Important: How to Tell if a Child is Being Bullied!
Know a child who is being bullied or is doing the bullying? Read through this guide.
No, They Aren't Identical Twins! They're Mother & Daughter
No, they are not identical twins, but mother and daughter! See if you can guess who of the two is the mother and who is the daughter:
Some Good Advice for Teaching Your Kids How to Learn
Our children learn a lot in school, but some have a hard time studying, task solving, reading instructions or summarizing texts. These 10 tips can help...
Children of the Past: Historical Photos of Kids Having Fun
19 Nostalgic photos of children having fun playing outside.
12 Reasons Why Every Kid Should Grow up With a Dog
Dogs are incredibly beneficial to a child's development. Read this list of 12 benefits that children reap when growing up around a dog.
9 Tips for Preventing Your Children's Bedwetting
Follow these 9 tips that can help you free your child from that frustrating nightly bedwetting.
Most Parents Really Regret Making These Parenting Mistakes
For a little extra help for the always-busy parent, we compiled 10 common parenting mistakes and their fixes according to developmental psychologists.
55 Things a Loving Man Does for the One He Loves
In order to show that men do express their love, here is a list of 55 things men do to show affection.
As a Baby Grows, THIS is What It Will See...
It's no secret that babies see the world differently than the rest of us do, and this video will show you just what their visual development looks like.
Dear Grandparents, Your Grandkids Have Something to Say
Dear Grandparents, your grandkids want you to know that every moment spent with you fills them with joy and love.
WARNING: Don't Let Children Play With These Toys
Today there is a large selection of toys, and although they should be fun some may be real life-threatening, such as those on this list,
How to Get Your Child to be Serious When Appropriate
How do you establish boundaries and make sure your child is behaving seriously at solemn occasions.
12 Heartwarming Photos Depicting a Grandma's Love
There's no bond quite like that of grandmothers with their grandchildren. These photos by Sujata Setia capture this special energy.
How to Handle Complaints in a Relationship
Discover a winning formula to turn complaints into something that strengthens your romantic connections.
How to Tell Your Children You Have Cancer
What's the right way to tell your children you have cancer, and are there situations where you shouldn't?
These "Harmless" Remarks Can Negatively Impact Children
Avoid saying these seemingly innocent phrases around kids; they confuse them.
How to Prepare Kids Starting at a New School
we've divided our tips into three parts: before, during, and after the transition, to help your children prepare and adapt to new environments more smoothly.
Childcare Costs Got You Down? Read This!
Childcare on a budget? Yes, it's possible!
8 Warning Signs in Teens a Parent Should Watch Out For
we've gathered 8 behaviors you should know to fully and correctly assess the state of your children.