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7 Cool New Traditions to Try With the Grandkids

It never gets boring in grandma's and grandpa's house, does it? Even if you're among the lucky ones who live close to their grandchildren, and enjoy frequent visits, a visit to yours is always a nice break from routine, especially for children. But sometimes, stuck under the heavy blankets of clouds, the mood can get a little boring. Whether it's the weather or just a boring routine you wish to shake up, here are 7 activities you can do with the children to create some good long-term memories.  

Have a dance party
3 generations men of the family

Having a dance party doesn't have to be challenging at all. Simply turn on the radio and get shaking. The kids are likely to know how to play music on their phones (and then immediately put them away please!). It's a good way to score some light movement, get those endorphins, and shake the stress away. If you feel like you don't know how to dance, remember that kids are far less judgemental. Don't be afraid to get silly together, and end up rolling on the floor with laughter. 


Grandma and granddaughter with cookies
If your children are at that magical age they love to play pretend, now is your time to shine. Host your own cooking TV show and have your children play the royal taster, the co-host, the king of all chefs, or whatever they fancy at the moment. Let them participate and don't be afraid of the mess. You can wear aprons and spread a nylon sheet on the floor. Here's a great list of kid-chefs recipes

Camp inside

Grandparents and grandchildren sleepover
The notion of camping inside can take many shapes. You can build a pillow and blanket fortress in the living room. You can set up your real camping tent inside the living room. You can participate and join in or just help the children build their camp up. Whichever you choose, the most crucial decision is whether you'll be putting it away before going to bed or actually sleeping inside the camp. Decide in advance so you can set up mattresses for everyone accordingly. 

Scavenger hunt

Grandparents holding a home model

This one demands planning in advance, and like the cooking activity, would really appeal to your children's advanced imagination. Let the children search the house for whatever you can conjure up with your imaginations. Prepare the clues in advance and keep it simple- this should be fun for you as well. Head here for some ideas and inspiration. Kids especially love scavenger hunts because it taps into their curiosity. If something is too challenging, drop them clues as they go!


Indoor gardening

Grandmother indoor gardening
Indoor gardening can also take many shapes. If you have enough plants you can water and trim them together, and even add some organic fertilizers. You could buy a chia pet (chia sprouting kit) or an indoor-herbs planter kit and set them up together. If the weather is nice you can go picking wildflowers and make them into a bouquet. You can even plant a whole new plant, just spread a big nylon sheet to easily gather the soil. 

Play dress up

Grandparents with red clown noses
Participate with the kids when they play pirates and princesses. You can mix this up with a dance party or a scavenger hunt for maximum effect. Play into their interests and see what costume they pick from the box. If you don't have any costumes, you can tie handkerchiefs around your head and paint some war paint with lipstick- the kids won't mind. All that matters is imagination. 

Mellow activities

Grandparents and grandchildren painting
If you're sick of play-doh and kinetic sand, if you're sick of drawing, if you're done with glitter glue and stickers, but you and your children still like to sit at the table and get crafty, you can create origami boats and let them sail in the sink. Let the kids decorate it however they like and make sure you choose sturdy paper. Here's a guide, and if you like something simpler, you can start at 1:43- there you have an origami triangular hat! If the children are bigger you can write a letter together and go mail it in a real mailbox. 
H/T: Redbook
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