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12 Dangerous Children’s Toys That Are Important to Avoid

We live in an age of endless abundance that is expressed at every stage of life, including childhood. Today, children have a lot more toys than we had in the past, and this is due to their increased production around the world combined with particularly low and attractive prices. Despite this bizarre abundance, it is important to be able to weed out the risky toys to avoid harming our children.

The following 11 toys and games are considered particularly dangerous for children following unfortunate cases in which they caused severe injuries, harm and sometimes even death. In order to avoid putting your child in harm's way, it is important that you avoid buying these toys in their first years of life, in order to maintain their health and safety, as well as your peace of mind.

1. Games with magnets

There are many games today that contain small magnets that easily come apart when played with. These magnets pose a choking risk for toddlers and children, and are more dangerous than other things they may swallow. While many items pass through the digestive system smoothly, magnets stick together and can cause serious bowel obstruction, so avoid them.

2. Doctor kits

One of the most favorite games for many children is the doctor kit, which comes with "medical" equipment that simulates the real ones. The danger in these games that some of the smaller pieces can fall apart during "checkups", such as an examination of the ears that may lead to the entry of a foreign object into the child's ear. In addition, the detachable parts can be swallowed by small children and pets, so these kits pose a double danger for home dwellers.

3. Supermarket shopping kit

Shopping cart with cash and groceries is another popular kit among children who like to pretend that they are shopping like their parents. Like a doctor's kit, such shopping sets also have many small parts that may come apart and pose a choking hazard to children and pets at home. The similarity between the items in these kits and real food may also cause the children to try to eat them, so it is recommended not to give them toys of this type until they are a little older - at least 6 years of age.

4. Toys with propellers

There are many toys on the market that are operated by batteries or other means, which have a propeller that rotates quickly, such as helicopters. Many times, the age recommendation on their boxes is relatively young, but you absolutely can’t let young children play with them. The rotating propellers can cause bodily injuries, and also get tangled in the hair. Therefore, it is recommended to wait with these toys until your children know how to operate electrical devices and only after you determine the how, when and where of playing with them.

5. Toys with batteries

Children swallowing batteries isn’t uncommon, and they usually even exit the body safely. Although many of us joke about these cases, it is important to prevent them before they occur. Many times small flat batteries look like candy to children, and they can swallow without giving it a second thought. Besides the digestive problems it causes, swallowing batteries can cause the release of a substance called lithium, which can lead to poisoning and gastrointestinal disturbances.

6. Toy guns

It's amazing how a dangerous weapon has become an inspiration for a toy, but that's the situation today, and there are many toy guns that fire things from water and rubber bullets to plastic arrows. All of these items pose a risk as they can easily cause eye damage if aimed incorrectly. If you insist on purchasing these toys, you should also buy protective goggles to protect your children and those around them.

7. Rubber floats

Rubber floats are supposed to help children float in the pool or ocean, and come summer they’ll be floating around every pool and water park in the world. The danger lies in a float where the child sits in it. If by accident the child tips over, it is almost impossible for them to bring themselves right side up again, which can lead to drowning. In addition, these floats often contain isophorone, phenol, and xenon that cause skin irritations. A danger which lies in arm floaties is tightening it too tight around the child's arm, which can cause blood circulation to be disturbed.

8. Balloons

They aren’t classic toys, but many children play with balloons as if they were balls. You do not have to give them up altogether if you’re having a party, but you should be cautious because there have been many cases where balloons have popped and children have inhaled and choked on their parts. The removal of rubber parts belonging to balloons from the respiratory passages is difficult, and the best way to deal with this is to prevent it in the first place. Keep the balloons out of the reach of children, and make sure you buy high-quality balloons that won’t tear at the touch.

many colorful baloons

9. Toy Swords

Children have a lot of energy they spend running around, and sometimes by playing imaginary war games. Toy swords have existed in the world for a long time, and accordingly, they have caused quite a few injuries. Children playing with these swords can hurt each other by hitting too hard or even accidentally aiming for the eye. The damage can be several times greater if a child is running wild with a sword in their hands, so swords are not a recommended toy for them.

10. Rubber duck

Rubber ducks are among the most beloved toys in the world for infants and toddlers, who enjoy playing with them in the bath. Despite their affection for them, these ducklings can be dangerous for several reasons; first, they usually contain chemicals called phthalates in quantities that are almost illegal. These components cause hormonal disruptions, especially among children, so their effects are very negative. Moreover, because the ducks are always in water, a mold develops on their inside, and when children swallow water from these ducks or even really get to close and inhale it, it could lead to respiratory problems and other sensitivities, so rubber ducks should definitely be left out of the bath.

rubber duck in bubble bath

11. Toys that can be hung around the neck

There are many toys that require hanging ropes around the neck, such as binoculars, for example, that children play with for hours. The danger of these toys is obvious, as children can wrap the rope around their necks and asphyxiate as a result. It is much more dangerous if children share these toys with their younger siblings, who lack coordination or understanding so as not to wrap these ropes around the neck or other body parts, such as the arms and legs.

12. Fidget Spinner

Fidget Spinners are well known to all of us, and their initial role was to help children who suffer from ADHD to focus. Like many other things, the spinner's actual use has nothing to do with its primary goal, and today almost every child has this toy. Spinners are safe to use for older children, but for small children and toddlers, it can be dangerous. The spinner has parts that can come apart from the toy and may reach the child's trachea or esophagus. This is a clear choking hazard, so it is recommended to keep spinners out of young children’s hands.
fidget spinner
There are many toys on the market today that can be played with without fear, but there are also some that are very dangerous. It is important to carefully choose the toys that are intended for your children while making sure that they don’t contain small parts, which may break away, or different chemicals that shouldn’t be in them. This way you can be sure that your children will have a happy, healthy, and safe childhood.
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