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What's Happening in These Photos?

We bet you didn’t know that your brain generates around 12 watts of electricity and that this is actually enough to power a low-watt LED light. Well now, we’re about to make it work even harder! Below you’ll find 12 photos that you’ll need to look at two or three times before you can figure out what’s happening. Take a look!
1. I hope his other hand catches up soon...
Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
2. Maybe the design needs to be rethought here!
Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times


3. What's he looking at?Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
4. I think those heels suit him...
Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
5. That hairy arm helped me here!
Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
6. Is this the strongest kid in the world?Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
7. Can you please stop looking at me?
Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
8. They do say that two heads are better than one...
Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
9. This man married a centaur!
Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
10. That's not what you think it is...Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
11. He's such an elegant man!Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times
12. I've never seen this type of animal before!Photos That'll Make You Look Three Times


Source: brightside 

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