Places and landscapes change with time, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst. Over the past several decades, innumerable photographs have been captured from various corners of our planet. A select group of history and photography enthusiasts have meticulously combed through these images to match up locations. This involves comparing present-day photos with those from the past.
Just a single vintage picture, snapped around fifty years ago, juxtaposed with a contemporary image, can effectively highlight substantial differences. The amazing results of this arduous work can be viewed in all their splendor, with some comparable photographs dating back over a century. The following images show what traces urbanization, globalization, and global warming have left on our surroundings over time.
Related: These Then and Now Photos Show How Things Change Over Time
Los Angeles Wildfires: Before and After the Destruction
This before-and-after video reveals the true extent of the Los Angeles wildfires devastation.
Time Changes Everything - 22 Amazing Before & After Photos
Click to discover some special before and after transformation photos.
This Power Washing Stuff Is Magic - 15 Jaw-Dropping Pics
These power washing before and after pictures are just unbelievable!
Nothing as Satisfying as a Good Before & After!
When credit is due, we know how to pay our respects - We hope you'll enjoy these home renovations as much as we did!
15 Before & After Pics Showing How Much Paris Has Changed
In these pictures, you'll get to witness the fascinating past of Paris incorporated within its contemporary settings.
13 Before-and-After Yard Transformations to Give You Ideas
Check out this collection of before and after yard makeover pictures that will give you ideas for your next DIY project.
18 Glimpses of the World’s Most Fascinating Places
These awe-inspiring photos feel almost dreamlike,
17 Poignant Photos That Are Anything But Ordinary
At first glance, you might not understand what's so special about some of these photos, but each one has a backstory that will make it unforgettable.
These Can't Be Real! 14 Stunning Celebrity Drawings
Artist Matheus Macedo creates incredibly realistic portraits of celebrities. Take a look at his best works.
Remember These? 15 Forgotten Kitchen Gadgets
Do you remember these quirky kitchen gadgets?
15 Mind-Bending Photos That Seem Fake but are 100% Real
It’s hard to believe these astonishing pictures haven’t been photoshopped.
What a Difference a Century Can Make - Fascinating Photos
These fascinating historical photos will take you on a tour around the world, showing you what people looked like 100 years ago
14 Exceptionally Beautiful Home Baked Cakes and Cookies
If you love desserts and value creativity, you'll love this collection of magnificently decorated cakes, pies, and cookies!
Take a Look at These Photographs & Walk Back in Time...
It's amazing to see photographs from archives because it's like taking a walk back in time. This collection is no exception. Take a look.
When History Comes to Life: 21 Colorized Moments
Enjoy this amazing collection of colorized history photos.
This Artist Wanted to See What's in Your Fridge...
This fascinating photography project reveals what's in the fridges of different people around the world and what can we can learn from them about their owners.
20 Unforgettable Indian Wildlife Photos Worth Seeing
Admire the rich diversity of wildlife in India in 20 supreme photos of mammals and birds native to different regions of the country
Aerial Wonders: The Best Drone Photos of 2024
Marvel at the most atounding drone photos of 2024.
15 Stunning Photos That Reveal the Beauty of Outer Space
Explore the cosmos through these captivating photos.
17 Surprising and Stunning Images From Around the World
Our world is full of surprising things happening at every moment, these 17 pictures prove you haven't seen it all!
This Photographer Really Captures the Beauty of the Ocean...
Gorgeous Underwater Life by Alexander Semenov.
These Photos Show How Our World Is Just Full of Surprises!
We are blessed to inhabit this Earth - think of all the beautiful things that you've seen! Here are 21 photos to prove that the world is full of surprises.
12 Reasons Japanese Bathrooms Are the Best!
Find out why Japanese bathrooms are more efficient and comfortable than western bathrooms. Maybe it'll give you a few ideas...
13 Mesmerizing Sunset Silhouettes You Won't Forget
Photographer Aaditya Shrirang Bhat creates unique photo stories during the sunset.
These Unconventional Buildings Will Make You Look Twice!
You haven't seen such bizarre buildings before!
10 of the Most Outlandish Building Designs Ever Conceived
These 10 architectural projects push the envelope far enough to reach another planet. Here are 10 of the most outlandish construction projects ever conceived.
22 Celebrities Who Make Getting Older Look So Cool
These celebrities are ageless!
Then & Now: Stars Side by Side Their Own Childhood Photos
These images make it seem as though celebrities are casually hanging out with themselves as kids, and it's pretty fascinating to see!
We Love These Woodworking Masterpieces! Don’t You?
This is craftsmanship at its finest.
This Street Photographer Left His Grandson a Real Treasure
Dylan Scalet finally had time to digitalize the photographs he inherited from his grandfather during lockdown. What he found was incredible.
From the Past with Love: 16 Cool Vintage Treasures
How many of these cool vintage things do you remember?
Native Americans: Striking Vintage Pics from a Century Ago
For over 30 years, Edward S. Curtis has documented the life of Native Americans. Here are some of his rare portraits
Explore Poland's Epic Historical Architecture from the Sky
Don't consider Poland to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world? We can guarantee that this video will make you change your mind!
Incredible! A Glimpse Into What Ancient Rome Looked Like
This video depicts a 3D rendering of what Rome looked like in 320AD.
These Pictures Look Like They Were Taken In Another World
The pictures you're about to see appear as if they were taken on another planet. Enjoy these 23 amazing extraterrestrial-looking pictures.
These Stunning Panoramic Photos Will Leave You in Awe
The exceptional winners of the 2024 Epson International Pano Awards will leave you in awe.
Extraordinary Buildings: 13 Stunning Architectural Marvels
Aren’t these buildings just fascinating?
The UK’s Glorious Landscape in 15 Unforgettable Photos
From classic views of the British countryside to powerful images of the ocean, these Landscape Photography Awards winners are mesmerising.
What Did Our Favorite Brands Look Like a 100 Years Ago?
While the Big Mac hasn't changed in 50 years, these big brands are virtually unrecognizable.
22 New and Beautiful Colorized Vintage Photos
Enjoy this amazing new collection of colorized historical photos.
The Artful World of Embroidery: 14 Inspiring Pics
These guys are seriously talented!
14 Award-Winning Photos of Marine Life and Sea Exploration
Photos allow those of us who are not marine photographers or sea explorers to get a glimpse of the ocean’s mysteries, and these photos are glorious!
These Pictures Perfectly Capture the Magic of the 1970s
Time for some good old ‘70s nostalgia…
Learn All About the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World...
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World serve as testament to the imagination, ingenuity, and sheer hard work of which human beings are capable. Learn more here.
15 Fascinating Pictures of Extraordinarily Rare Things
The world around us is filled with captivating elements.Take a look at this collection of 15 fascinating photographs of rarely seen things.
15 Incredible Photos of the World Underwater
Thousands of talented photographers registered for the British competition of the underwater photographer of the year!