People put a lot of time, money, and thought into designing their dream home. Some want their space to be the most unique and innovative, unlike any other. It seems legitimate and understandable when we think about concept playrooms, bedrooms, and even living rooms. But what would you say about a wacky toilet?
For most of us, the toilet should be mostly functional, clean, and pleasant. But the owners of the toilets in the following photo collection had some different ideas. They put all their resources into designing the most outrageous toilets we’ve seen. The results are... interesting. Some of these designs are more inviting than others, but all of them undoubtedly will make you go ‘wow’ and even give you a good laugh.
19 Hilarious Things That Happened At Real Weddings
Wedding days are certainly filled with heartfelt and beautiful moments, but sometimes, hilarious incidents get caught on camera too...
Prime Examples Of Just How Strange the English Language Is
The English language is filled with numerous strange sequences and things that don't make sense like this fascinating and funny tidbits
These Foreign Laws Are Simply Too Weird For Words...
Discover 8 of the weirdest prohibitions from around the world that are bound to make you chuckle!
What On Earth Is Going On In These Pictures?!
Do you know what on Earth is going on in these pictures? Because I have absolutely no idea! Here are 20 odd pictures to leave you scratching your head.
How on Earth Did These Dogs Get Into These Positions?
Discover the canine world's weird and wacky side with these 20 hilarious photos of dogs acting extremely strangely!
These Are the Strangest Will Requests You'll Ever See!
The following famous people made it very clear what they wanted to happen after they had died, and you won’t believe their requests...
These Are the Greatest Historic Homes Found in the US
These historic homes are the most important in the United States. See pictures of a historic home in each US state, and find out more about them.
13 Examples of How Angles Can Make Any Photo Confusing
These pictures may appear confusing to you at first glance. But there's a reason for it...
15 Mind-Boggling Photos You Won’t Believe Are REAL!
Don’t let these optical illusions fool you! We assure you that none of them have been edited, despite how bizarre or unbelievable they look.
Some Photos Are Worth Much More Than Words
Amazing photos of fantastic moments in time, captured for posterity. They don't need descriptions, they just are.
17 Historical Pics That Give a Glimpse of The Past
Here, we present to you some rare historical photographs that you are unlikely to have seen before.
These Award-Winning Food Photos Will Make You Drool...
Check out the tasty winners of the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2024 Awards.
Get Inspired to Declutter With These Before & After Photos
Take a look at these before and after pictures of decluttered home spaces that will motivate you to do the same.
The 2023 German Society for Nature Photography Competition
A remarkable collection of 15 photographs unveiled during the 2023 German Society for Nature Photography competition.
These Are Literally "Blink and You'll Miss It" Photos
Some photos are just timed so perfectly! They're an absolute joy to behold. Here are 18 awesome "Blink and You'll Miss It" pictures.
These Colorful Photos Are An Affirmation Of Life's Beauty
These photos are concrete evidence of the existence of beauty in every nook and cranny of our world. What's more, they'll fill your heart with joy and wonder.
Here Are 15 Rare Sights You Won't See More Than Once!
Here are 15 rare sights that you're practically guaranteed to never see more than once in your lifetime!
A Glimpse at Halloween Festivities in the '20s and '30s
These vintage Halloween photos will give you the real chills.
35 Classic National Geographic Photos You'll NEVER Forget
National Geographic's Best Photo Collection presents stunning contest winners.
16 Perfectly Timed Shots That Couldn’t Be Planned
Sometimes, timing is EVERYTHING...
Can You Believe Someone Actually Built These? Amazing!
These architects created something a bit difference...
This Street Photographer Left His Grandson a Real Treasure
Dylan Scalet finally had time to digitalize the photographs he inherited from his grandfather during lockdown. What he found was incredible.
These Jaw-Dropping Vintage Cars Steal the Spotlight
These muscle car photos are pure automotive gold.
15 Visual Masterpieces: Award-Winning Photos
Witness some of the most beautiful and meaningful award-winning photos from the All About Photo competition 2024.
These Lighthouses Are Each More Beautiful than the Last...
Used since ancient times, the lighthouse was both a guide and a warning. These monuments are so sturdy, they take nature's beating without a flinch!
18 Images That Will Make You Gasp
These images may not exactly have a common theme to unite them, but we simply had to share them with you - each image is amazing in its own way.
I've Never Seen Photos As Stunning As These
These beautiful shots, which look more like art will undoubtedly impress you.
Wow, You Don't See THIS On a Regular Day...
Each one of these photographs has a whole story behind it, and each is more extraordinary than the last. This photo collection brings together some rare and unusual sights that you probably haven't seen before!
22 New and Beautiful Colorized Vintage Photos
Enjoy this amazing new collection of colorized historical photos.
This Magical Town is the Most Beautiful Place in China
In the south of China, a small, peaceful and picturesque town lies on a fertile cliff from which several waterfalls flow in perfect harmony.
This is How the World's Very First Subway Was Built!
Ever wondered how the world's very first subway system was built? This TED-Ed video reveals all!
The UK’s Glorious Landscape in 15 Unforgettable Photos
From classic views of the British countryside to powerful images of the ocean, these Landscape Photography Awards winners are mesmerising.
Look Twice: 16 Amazing Perfectly-Timed Street Photos
These street photos will mess with your head. Just a little...
15 Out-of-This-World Hotels You Simply Won't Believe
These brand new around-the-world hotels offer incredible views from some spectacular, exotic locations. You'd never want to leave these hotels.
16 Of the Best Astronomy Photographs Ever Taken
The wonders of our universe in 16 glorious photos.
These Pictures Look Like They Were Taken In Another World
The pictures you're about to see appear as if they were taken on another planet. Enjoy these 23 amazing extraterrestrial-looking pictures.
Imposing Fortresses - 14 Photos of Fairytale-Like Castles
Check out these fairytale-esque castles of the world.
18 Photos Showcasing the Best of Ocean Photography 2024
Here are 18 winning and selected photos from the 2024 Ocean Photographer of the Year competition.
The Undeniable Beauty of Autumn: 18 Gorgeous Fall Scenes
You are invited to take a visual tour and look at a collection of fall photographs gathered from different places around the world. After seeing these 16 pictures you'll probably make fall your favorite season!
These Old Photos Showcase Some Major Changes in Ireland
The last few decades of the 19th century and the first few of the 20th were periods of major change for Ireland. These photos capture that wonderfully.
The Wonders of Modern Architecture are a Joy to Behold
Modern architecture has gone a long way towards defining what the world we live in looks like. Here are 15 wondrous examples from around the world.
Butterflies and Silkmoths Have Never Looked This Good!
Adam Gor is a Hungary-based biology student who has a love for macro nature photography. Take a look at some of his stunning work here.
15 Stunning Behind-the-Scene Photos From Famous Movies
Imagine finding yourself on the set of such iconic movies as The Titanic, James Bond, Star Wars, and The Shining.
Reminisce With These Great Vintage Grocery Store Photos
Here are a collection of vintage photographs that will take you through different grocery stores across America throughout history. Take a look!
15 Unique Business Cards That Left a Lasting Impression
Now that's how you make a business card!
14 Award-Winning Photos of Marine Life and Sea Exploration
Photos allow those of us who are not marine photographers or sea explorers to get a glimpse of the ocean’s mysteries, and these photos are glorious!
50 Years This Man Built and Built.. And Here's the Result!
This cathedral is slowly being built by an amazing 90 year old man, using discarded waste. Read on to here this inspiring story, and see a glorious church.