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Then & Now: Stunning Transformations of Famous Sites

Time leaves its mark on everything, including our most iconic landmarks. As cities grow and evolve, these structures often undergo transformations, reflecting the changing tides of history and society. From towering skyscrapers to ancient ruins, landmarks are living testaments to the passage of time. 


Related: Then & Now: When Past Collides With the Present


In this collection of 22 then-and-now photos, you’ll get a glimpse of how famous landmarks have changed over the decades. From the early days of the Empire State Building to the modern-day Eiffel Tower, these images offer a unique perspective on the passage of time and the enduring legacy of these remarkable sites.


Instructions: Click on the photos to change between the past and the more recent photos.


1. The Empire State Building in 1931, the year of its completion, versus today

Before & After Photos,

2. The Eiffel Tower during the liberation of Paris in 1944 and on Bastille Day in 2024

Before & After Photos,

3. Chichén Itzá in Mexico in 1892 before excavation versus today

Before & After Photos,

4. Downtown Shanghai in 1930 versus today

Before & After Photos,

5. Egypt's Abu Simbel temples in 1933 versus today

Before & After Photos,

6. The Flatiron Building on Fifth Avenue and Broadway in 1920 and in 1965 and today

Before & After Photos,

7. Hiroshima in 1945, after the Atomic Bombing versus today

Before & After Photos,

8. The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona in 1936 and today

Before & After Photos,

9. A church in Boscotrecase, Naples, buried in lava flow after Mt. Vesuvius erupted versus the same church today

Before & After Photos,

10. The Manhattan skyline in 1950 versus today

Before & After Photos,

11. The Ziggurat of Ur in Iraq in 1929, before it was fully excavated and now

Before & After Photos,
All images: Izismile

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