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The Beauty of Greenland in 18 Photographs

Greenland has always been known as a massive and especially cold island – after all, about 84% of the vast country's area is covered in ice. In recent years, the summer on the island has been especially warm, not only because global temperatures are rising and causing the glaciers surrounding Greenland to disappear at a much faster rate than expected, but also because, from a tourism perspective, Greenland has seen increasing interest, and more and more cruise ships are making their way to this magical area.

Among the many tourists who visited the area was Albert Dros, an award-winning Dutch photographer, whose photos have already appeared in several of the world's leading magazines and journals. Dros embarked on a journey through Greenland and its surroundings, capturing extraordinary natural scenes with his camera that are impossible to look away from – you are invited to check out 18 of the amazing photos he brought back from there and learn a little about the incredible Greenland as you scroll down.

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Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:

The photography project Albert Dros took on in Greenland – as he himself says – was meant to show the island's beauty in the photographer's personal way. He wanted to create art through nature – and that's exactly what he did, navigating the fishing boat he was on through the ice, sometimes for hours, to find a good composition or a magnificent glacier worth photographing. The results – as he attests – sometimes look almost unreal, like works of art rather than photographs; "The boats are our subject," Dros stated, "and the ice fields combined with the weather are the canvas."

Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:
Dros goes on to say that the city of Ilulissat, where he stayed for almost two weeks during his journey, is especially peaceful and not a bustling tourist hub. There's no airport or major car rental companies, just quiet people and a small sea port, he says. However, in his opinion, all this is bound to change very soon because, as mentioned, the last summer broke records in terms of tourism in the area, and the sights that this unique island has to offer could easily turn it into a gem that many will want to visit.
Pictures from Greenland:

Pictures from Greenland:

Pictures from Greenland:

In the tiny settlement of Rodebay, located about two hours' sail from the town of Ilulissat, there are no more than 50 people in total. On the other hand, there are many sled dogs roaming everywhere. In the winter, they of course help the few locals get around the area by pulling their sleds, but in the summer they just relax in idleness. However, Dros testifies – they are very calm and mostly non-aggressive.

Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:

A very large group of humpback whales lives around Greenland, but they mostly don't leap above the water, only showing their tails. Photographer Dros attests that he and his expedition did indeed see some whales jumping out of the water, but he was unable to capture that moment on his camera. In this picture, at least, you can see the whale's tail peeking out from the sea waves.

Pictures from Greenland:
Pictures from Greenland:

Photos by: Albert Dros

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