Traveling is a wonderful way to discover new things about ourselves and the world around us. When visiting tourist hotspots like Vienna or New York, do you ever find yourself curious about how history must have looked walking across these roads as we do today? Well, Zoltán Kerényi is a Hungarian photographer that has fully understood our deep-rooted feelings of nostalgia.
In his latest series of photos, he takes us on a journey across 20th century Budapest, through the 21st century! Using archived photographs provided by Fortepan, this artist shows us the exact same monumental locations in the past and the present together. His project, called Ablak a múltra, literally translates in English to "Window to the Past'', as his goal is to give us a brief look into the rich history of Budapest, surrounded by the modern-day aesthetic we are so accustomed to.
(By Zoltán Kerényi: Flickr , Instagram)
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