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Rare Photos of Native American Life You've Never Seen

Edward S. Curtis was a photographer with a strong interest in ethnology who spent over 30 years documenting Native American culture. Concerned about the potential loss of these traditions due to westward expansion and government policies, he set out to capture them for future generations. Curtis referred to Native Americans as a "vanishing race" and aimed to record their diverse customs and traditions across the American West.

Related: 10 Things You Didn't Know Were Invented By Native Americans

Funded by J.P. Morgan, Curtis began his ambitious project in 1906, originally planned for five years but extended due to its scale. He took 1,500 photographs and recorded 10,000 wax cylinders of language and music. Despite facing criticism for staged images, his work remains invaluable. Today, we have access to over 40,000 images of the tribes he visited, providing a wealth of information on tribal cultures, including folklore, clothing, traditional foods, housing, leisure activities, and ceremonies. All of this is now accessible through digitized archives and physical publications.

Below are some of Curtis' most striking photos that offer a rare glimpse into Native American history.

1. White Shield – Arikara, 1908Native Americans

Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Library of Congress, Public domain

2. Cheyenne Warriors, 1905 

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Northwestern University, Public domain

3. Navajo child, 1904

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Library of Congress, Public domain

4. Óla – Noatak, 1928

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Library of Congress, Public domain

5. Chief Garfield – Jicarilla, 1904

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Northwestern University, Public domain

6. Maricopa women gathering fruit from Saguaro cacti, 1907 

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Library of Congress, Public domain

7. A Smoky Day at the Sugar Bowl – Hupa, 1923 

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Northwestern University, Public domain

8. Qahátīka Girl, 1907

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Northwestern University, Public domain

9. Blackfoot Finery, 1926

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Northwestern University, Public domain

10. Yanktonai River Camp, 1908 

Native Americans
Image source: Edward S. Curtis via Northwestern University, Public domain
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