Hurricane Irma is already stronger and potentially more fatal than Harvey – and she’s not finished yet. This devastating hurricane has sent the Caribbean and several American states into crisis mode after reportedly destroying 95% of Barbuda, Saint-Martin, and the British Virgin Islands. Millions of people have been left homeless with no access to electricity or water, and the death toll has already reached double figures. The Bahamas and Cuba are already bracing themselves for a similarly devastating impact, as is Florida, which is being completely evacuated.Below you’ll see some chilling photos of the damage that has been caused by this destructive storm.
H/T: boredpanda
Incredible - Extreme Athletes Who Will Brave ANY Challenge
The performance of each one of the extreme sports athletes featured in this video will make you hold your breath and applaud their courage and skill!
6 Harmful Toxins You Didn’t Know You Encounter Daily
These toxic chemicals can be found in everyday products and can be extremely dangerous to us.
The Most DANGEROUS Bus Route In the World
Seasoned bus driver Glorioso Albani Ada risks his life every day to drive passengers safely across the Andes mountains to Lima.
10 Effective Ways to Cope With a Scorching Heat Wave
The summer heatwave is upon us. Keep yourself cool and safe with these 10 useful tips.
This is the Most Insanely Dangerous Bike Stunt You’ll See
This biker has pulled off an insanely dangerous motorbike stunt that seems almost impossible.
Drinking Too Much Water is Worse Than Drinking Too Little
It’s always important to remember not to get dehydrated, but you need to know that there is such a thing as overhydration, and it can be very dangerous too.
These Buildings Blend In So Well, You Might Miss Them...
The architectural design of these places will baffle you!
15 Mind-Bending Photos That Seem Fake but are 100% Real
It’s hard to believe these astonishing pictures haven’t been photoshopped.
17 Poignant Photos That Are Anything But Ordinary
At first glance, you might not understand what's so special about some of these photos, but each one has a backstory that will make it unforgettable.
15 Captivating Photos of Impressive Artwork and Designs
We stumbled upon some really unique photos of intentional and accidental art.
These Superb Optical Illusions Had Us Fooled!
These epic optical illusions completely caught us off guard!
Timing Is Everything, and These Photos Prove It (15 Pics)
These have to be the most perfectly-timed pictures ever.
12 Reasons Japanese Bathrooms Are the Best!
Find out why Japanese bathrooms are more efficient and comfortable than western bathrooms. Maybe it'll give you a few ideas...
This Artist Makes An Entire World Out of Tiny Dioramas!
Tatsuya Tanaka’s miniature worlds will leave you amazed.
Wow, You Don't See THIS On a Regular Day...
Each one of these photographs has a whole story behind it, and each is more extraordinary than the last. This photo collection brings together some rare and unusual sights that you probably haven't seen before!
Look Closer. These Pictures Aren’t What They Appear to Be
Look very closely at these pictures. Because they might confuse you at first glance.
These Photos Will Make You Rub Your Eyes in Puzzlement
These photos are all very puzzling at first look, maybe even at the second as well...
From the Past with Love: 16 Cool Vintage Treasures
How many of these cool vintage things do you remember?
15 Rare Construction Photos That Capture History in Action
These are some of the most interesting photos from history.
This Photo Contest Celebrates the Majesty of Mountains
Check out the amazing winning images from the 2021 International Photography Contest of Mountain Activity.
Then & Now: Stars Side by Side Their Own Childhood Photos
These images make it seem as though celebrities are casually hanging out with themselves as kids, and it's pretty fascinating to see!
15 Photos That are Worth Much More Than A Thousand Words
Sometimes, as the following 15 fantastic photos prove, a picture is worth a lot more than a thousand words. Take a look and we're sure you'll agree!
5 Ancient Roman Buildings Still Inhabited Today
These Ancient Roman homes were never really abandoned. In fact, some of them are almost perfectly preserved and inhabited to this day...
The Artful World of Embroidery: 14 Inspiring Pics
These guys are seriously talented!
16 Perfectly Timed Shots That Couldn’t Be Planned
Sometimes, timing is EVERYTHING...
15 Stunning Winning Shots from Nikon's Small World Contest
Check out the fascinating winning entries from the 2024 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition.
Drop Everything and Take a Look at These Incredible Photos
You've simply got to check out these 20 powerful photographs that really do say a thousand words each!
These Multi-Billion Dollar Products Are Shameless Rip-Offs
Some of the most famous inventors of all time, some credited with inventing products such as the lightbulb, merely stole their ideas from other people...
This is How the World's Very First Subway Was Built!
Ever wondered how the world's very first subway system was built? This TED-Ed video reveals all!
The Wonders of Modern Architecture are a Joy to Behold
Modern architecture has gone a long way towards defining what the world we live in looks like. Here are 15 wondrous examples from around the world.
These Award-Winning Food Photos Will Make You Drool...
Check out the tasty winners of the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2024 Awards.
Vintage Photos of the Real Wild West - 16 Rare Pics
These 16 remarkable photographs reveal increasingly surprising glimpses into authentic Wild West life.
These Fountains are Some of the Most Stunning in the World
This stunning collection will show you the most remarkable fountains in the world. From world record breakers to ancient landmarks, be sure to take a look.
Are These Real Animals? 15 Stunning Sand Creations!
Andoni Bastarrika's sand sculptures are so lifelike, they'll trick you into thinking they're real animals.
10 Famous Historical Photos That Were Actually Staged
The truths behind these famous historical photos will surprise you.
Relive Your Childhood Magic With These Disney Parks Photos
Step back in time with these classic Disney park pics.
How Our Ancestors Imagined the Home Interior of the Future
The previous generations had peculiar but fascinating ideas of what the home of the future should look like. Let's find out if any of their predictions came true...
From an Unsightly Tree Stump to a Garden's Centerpiece!
If you have a tree stump in your garden that you can't get rid of, why not turn it into something beautiful?
15 Fascinating Photos That Bring 1930s China to Life
These rare photos unveil some hidden stories from 1930s China.
These Vintage Photos Left an Indelible Mark on History
Ever seen Einstein in a leather jacket or the Lincoln Memorial half-finished? These historical photos will show you famous faces and places in a new light
This Artist Wanted to See What's in Your Fridge...
This fascinating photography project reveals what's in the fridges of different people around the world and what can we can learn from them about their owners.
5 Gorgeous 18th Century Cabinets and the Secrets They Hold
These 18th century creations of furniture and mechanism take utility and art and mix them together to create something amazing.
Hold it Right There! These Photos Couldn't BE More Timely!
It's a photographer's dream to capture that precious image right as or before something dramatic occurs. These are some of the best examples we've ever seen.
Beautiful Sunset Stories Told Through Photos (12 Pics)
Aaditya Bhat’s stunning sunset photo stories will leave you captivated.
These Photos of Space Will Make You Feel Really Small!
The 2015 winners of the Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition have just been announced, and their images are incredible...
Now That's What I Call Perfect Timing!
Each of these photos was taken with perfect - almost supernatural - timing!
These Superb Optical Illusions Had Us Fooled!
These epic optical illusions completely caught us off guard!
Timing Is Everything, and These Photos Prove It (15 Pics)
These have to be the most perfectly-timed pictures ever.
12 Reasons Japanese Bathrooms Are the Best!
Find out why Japanese bathrooms are more efficient and comfortable than western bathrooms. Maybe it'll give you a few ideas...
This Artist Makes An Entire World Out of Tiny Dioramas!
Tatsuya Tanaka’s miniature worlds will leave you amazed.
Wow, You Don't See THIS On a Regular Day...
Each one of these photographs has a whole story behind it, and each is more extraordinary than the last. This photo collection brings together some rare and unusual sights that you probably haven't seen before!
Look Closer. These Pictures Aren’t What They Appear to Be
Look very closely at these pictures. Because they might confuse you at first glance.
These Photos Will Make You Rub Your Eyes in Puzzlement
These photos are all very puzzling at first look, maybe even at the second as well...
From the Past with Love: 16 Cool Vintage Treasures
How many of these cool vintage things do you remember?
15 Rare Construction Photos That Capture History in Action
These are some of the most interesting photos from history.
This Photo Contest Celebrates the Majesty of Mountains
Check out the amazing winning images from the 2021 International Photography Contest of Mountain Activity.
Then & Now: Stars Side by Side Their Own Childhood Photos
These images make it seem as though celebrities are casually hanging out with themselves as kids, and it's pretty fascinating to see!
15 Photos That are Worth Much More Than A Thousand Words
Sometimes, as the following 15 fantastic photos prove, a picture is worth a lot more than a thousand words. Take a look and we're sure you'll agree!
5 Ancient Roman Buildings Still Inhabited Today
These Ancient Roman homes were never really abandoned. In fact, some of them are almost perfectly preserved and inhabited to this day...
The Artful World of Embroidery: 14 Inspiring Pics
These guys are seriously talented!
16 Perfectly Timed Shots That Couldn’t Be Planned
Sometimes, timing is EVERYTHING...
15 Stunning Winning Shots from Nikon's Small World Contest
Check out the fascinating winning entries from the 2024 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition.
Drop Everything and Take a Look at These Incredible Photos
You've simply got to check out these 20 powerful photographs that really do say a thousand words each!
These Multi-Billion Dollar Products Are Shameless Rip-Offs
Some of the most famous inventors of all time, some credited with inventing products such as the lightbulb, merely stole their ideas from other people...
This is How the World's Very First Subway Was Built!
Ever wondered how the world's very first subway system was built? This TED-Ed video reveals all!
The Wonders of Modern Architecture are a Joy to Behold
Modern architecture has gone a long way towards defining what the world we live in looks like. Here are 15 wondrous examples from around the world.
These Award-Winning Food Photos Will Make You Drool...
Check out the tasty winners of the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2024 Awards.
Vintage Photos of the Real Wild West - 16 Rare Pics
These 16 remarkable photographs reveal increasingly surprising glimpses into authentic Wild West life.
These Fountains are Some of the Most Stunning in the World
This stunning collection will show you the most remarkable fountains in the world. From world record breakers to ancient landmarks, be sure to take a look.
Are These Real Animals? 15 Stunning Sand Creations!
Andoni Bastarrika's sand sculptures are so lifelike, they'll trick you into thinking they're real animals.
10 Famous Historical Photos That Were Actually Staged
The truths behind these famous historical photos will surprise you.
15 Stunning Examples of Architecture at Its Best
here are 15 examples of architectural structures from around the world that amaze everyone who envisions them for the first, tenth or millionth time.
What Are the Odds? These Pics Capture Life's Freaky Flukes
Check out these remarkable photos of unbelievably rare coincidences.
25 Photo Restorations of US Presidents Who Lived Long Ago
This talented artist created a series of incredible photo restorations of the portraits of US presidents who lived and served before colored photography
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