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18 Pictures That Show All the Beauty Nature Has To Offer

Earth is an amazing place and, apart from the sights we can see from space, everything beautiful, rare, or charming we can see can be found here, on the (relatively) small blue ball in which we live. To honor our wonderful world and all its natural wonders, we invite you to enjoy the following 18 photos that show it in all its splendor. From the national parks in the United States, through the enchanting sights of the frozen north to first light in New Zealand - these are some of the most beautiful sights that make our world a unique place!

1. A layer of clouds surrounds Mount St. Helen in Washington, United States

2. Long exposure photography in total darkness reveals the melancholy nature of the coast of Auckland, Belopoten, Norway

3. Climbing up to the point of photography was certainly worth it - Lake District, England


4.  A picture from Dyrhรณlaey cliff in Iceland - The Black Coast is the result of volcanic activity in the area


5. Some say this is the most beautiful place in Zion National Park, Utah, USA


6. The place where green fields meet rocky and exposed terrains - Italy


 7. A field of lupines that look like lollipops, on the southern island of New Zealand


8. The cliffs of the Faroe Islands, located between Scotland, Norway, and Iceland, sometimes look like an optical illusion


9. It looks like the Milky Way is bursting out of Tasman Glacier in New Zealand


10. Sunrise through a hole in a rock at Grand Fork, Minnesota, USA


11. This photograph was taken with a drone in an isolated area in the Odenwald Mountains of Germany - the path you see is not a man-made road.


12. A unique natural phenomenon - a huge whirlpool at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon, United States


13. The long-standing relationship between the ancient rocks of the mountains and the sea on the coast of Dorset, England, can be seen


14. Beech trees beside pine trees in a forest in Denmark


15. The magic you see is a reflection in the clear waters of Yosemite National Park, California, USA


16. This tree looks like a track that leads directly to Mount Shasta volcano, in the state of California, USA


17. On the way to the base camp of Mount Everest, Nepal

18. Heart shaped lake in Ontario Canada - simply charming!
image source: reddit
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