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These Pictures Offer Some Fascinating Moments in History

A picture is worth a thousand words they say. This is undeniably true for photos of the past. Historical photos are always fascinating. Growing up, we have all been often captivated by looking at numerous historical photos of wars and cities and celebrities. Here, we present to you some rare historical photographs that you probably haven’t ever seen before. Not only are they old, but they also give us a lovely glimpse of a time that is now almost forgotten. 

1. An officer holds a cigar with two canaries on it, 1918.
 Historical Pics , officer, cigar

2. A zoo-keeper gives a penguin a shower from a watering can, 1930.

 Historical Pics , zookeper, penguins
3. A woodcutter competition taking place in Sydney, 1957.
 Historical Pics ,woodcutter competition

4. Traffic is on hold as a cat walks by in New York City, 1925.

 Historical Pics , cat walks by in New York

5. Author Ernest Hemingway shares dinner with a cat, 1940s.

 Historical Pics ,Ernest Hemingway, cat

6. From left to right: Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the 29th President of the United States Warren G. Harding, and businessman Harvey Firestone, in 1921.

 Historical Pics , Henry Ford, Thomas Edison,  Warren G. Harding,  Harvey Firestone
7. A woman paints a cow during World War II. This was to ensure that it doesn't become the victim of a vehicle collision, UK, 1939.
 Historical Pics , woman paints a cow during World War II.

8. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the future 32nd President of the United States, sharing a light moment with his cousin, 1910.

 Historical Pics ,  Franklin D. Roosevelt
9. Charlie Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi, 1931.
 Historical Pics , Charlie Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi

10. Frank Sinatra having fun with a huge pile of pancakes.

 Historical Pics , Frank Sinatra, pancakes

11. Michael Jackson dressed as Charlie Chaplin, 1979.

 Historical Pics , Michael Jackson dressed as Charlie Chaplin

12. Prince Charles having fun on the dance floor, 1980s.

 Historical Pics , Prince Charles , dance

13. Albert Einstein at the Grand Canyon, 1922.

 Historical Pics , Albert Einstein at the Grand Canyon

14. Mark Twain spending some time in the lab of Nikola Tesla, 1894.

 Historical Pics ,Mark Twain

15. The first Ronald McDonald, Willard Scott, 1960s.

 Historical Pics ,Ronald McDonald, Willard Scott,

16. A look at the Disney employee cafeteria in 1961.

 Historical Pics , Disney employee cafeteria

17. The first flight of the Wright brothers, the inventors of the world’s first airplane, 1903.

 Historical Pics Wright brothers, airplane
Images source: Acid Cow
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